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Q: Which greek scientist concluded that Earth was round?
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Which greek scientist said te earth is round?

Eratosthenes did.

How did Aristotle concluded that earth was round?

Aristotle concluded that the world is round by realizing that the farther the ship goes the more of it disapears.

Why did aristotle concluded that earth was round?

Because during a lunar eclipse, Aristotle observed that the shape of the earth was round.

Did Magellan discover the earth was round?

Although Ferdinand Magellan's expedition was the first circumnavigation of the Earth, many ancient scholars were already aware that the Earth was round. The Greek scientist Eratosthenes was the first to calculate the Earth's circumference, thus proving the Earth's roundness.

Who concluded the earth was round?

It is uncertain but variously ascribed to Pythagoras, Parmenides and Empedocles by their later promoters.

Aristotle concluded that Earth was round because .?

It always casts a curved shadow during a lunar eclipse

Who concluded that earth is round because it casts a shadow on the moon?

Any early man that could use common sense would have figured that one out.

Did Socrates think EARTH was round?

Yes, most greek philosphers after 500 BC considered it obvious the earth was round, including Socrates, his progidy Plato, and his progidy Aristotle

Did Socrates think the earth was round?

Yes, most greek philosphers after 500 BC considered it obvious the earth was round, including Socrates, his progidy Plato, and his progidy Aristotle

Who is the titan who held the earth?

In Greek Mythology the Titan that held the heavens from the Earth was Atlas. But often in art he is depicted as holding the round Earth itself on his shoulders.

Who founded the earth is round?

The idea of a round Earth appears to have originated in Greek Philosophy. Aristotle provided the first evidence of a round Earth, noting that explorers traveling south saw southern constellations rise higher above the horizon and that Earth cast a round shadow on the moon. Eratosthenes used the angle of sunlight at different latitudes to estimate Earth's circumference with surprising accuracy.

What scientist was put on trial for teaching against the Church?

Galileo Galilee was put on trial for teaching that the Earth was round, which was against Church doctrine concerning the flatness of the Earth.