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Whole wheat and pearled barley are the same in terms of fiber.

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Q: Which has more fiber whole wheat or pearled barley?
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Related questions

Is barley good for your body?

yes it is ,cause it contians whole wheat in it and has nutrients to help function the body it has fiber to prevent yes it is good for your body.

How much fiber in 1 cup whole wheat flour?

1 Cup of Whole Wheat Flour Containes 14 Grams of Fiber

Does White bread has the same amount of fiber as whole wheat bread?

no wheat has more fiber

Is bread a high fiber or low fiber?

if it whole wheat bread then yes its high in fiber

Does wheat bread contain fiber?

Wheat bread contains fiber if it is made with whole wheat flour or has other whole grains or fiber added.

How much fiber in one cup of whole wheat flour?

400 calories or so.

How much fiber in in 1 cup wheat flour?

1 Cup of Whole Wheat Flour Containes 14 Grams of Fiber

Which of the following breads has the highest fiber content?

Whole Wheat.

What are some recommended fiber diets?

Eating foods with a great deal of fiber in them will be a great solution to such a problem. Some foods that contain high amounts of fiber are: avocados, artichokes, raspberries, blackberries, lentils, black beans, broccoli, pears, apples, oatmeal, barley, bananas, oranges, raisins, whole wheat bread, barley, and almonds. It is also recommended to drink a lot of water throughout the day.

How much fiber is is bread?

The amount of fiber in bread is dependent on the type of bread you have and whether there is added fiber or not. For example, Nature's Pride Double Fiber 100% whole wheat bread had two times the fiber as your typical wheat bread.

What do you add to muffins to add fiber?

a quarter cup of wheat bran, or ground up flax seeds ( grind in blender or clean coffee grinder-)

What type of grains are best for a fiber diet?

Oatmeal is best to consume for a fiber rich diet. Barley is also good and high in fiber as well as whole grains.