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Q: Which has more vitamin c romaine lettuce or iceberg lettuce?
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What has more nutrition value cabbage or lettuce?

Cabbages are rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin A. These are all natural antioxidants, which help suppress cancer and heart disease inducing free radicals. Vitamin C is especially important, as it is water soluble and cannot be stored in the body. Daily replenishment is essential. They also have moderate levels of dietary fiber, and a bit of protein. Romaine lettuce leads the pack with the most nutrition per calorie. In one cup of romaine lettuce - 8 calories - provides 82%DV of vitamin A, nearly 20% of vitamin C, and a whopping 70%DV of vitamin K. It also has a generous helping of manganese, potassium, dietary fiber, and folates. Iceberg lettuce (lettuce that heads like cabbage) offers much fewer nutritional benefits than romaine or butter leaf lettuce. Iceberg lettuce is relatively devoid of nutrition. So it's difficult to say which is more nutritious, cabbage or lettuce, as it depends on what types you are eating. In general, though, I would venture to say that cabbage is generally more nutritious than lettuce.

Is iceberg lettuce poisonous for guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs can absolutely eat iceberg lettuce. If you happen to have extra iceberg on hand, go ahead and feed it to your guinea pig. If, however, you are looking for a tasty treat to buy for your guinea pig, romaine lettuce is packed full of vitamins (it has more vitamin C in it- which is a necessary dietary requirement for all guinea pigs).

Does Iceberg Lettuce have more nutrition than other lettuces?

Iceberg lettuce actually doesn't have much nutrition at is mostly water. Greener lettuces, like romane lettuce, are packed with more vitamins and other important nutrients.

What kinds of lettuce can rabbits not eat?

Just like humans, different rabbits have different taste preferences. The only way to know what type of foods one rabbit prefers is to observe her reactions when you feed it to her. Not all lettuces are healthy for rabbits. Avoid white/light-coloured varieties entirely (like iceberg and romaine hearts) because these are low in nutritional value for rabbits, and can lead to illness (like diarrhea). Dark-coloured lettuces (like fully-grown romaine, red leaf, green leaf) are healthy in moderation: they can be included in the rabbit's "salad" but they shouldn't be fed every day. See the related question below for more info about the rabbit diet.

Does romaine lettuce have nutritional value?

Yes, as do all foods, but it's not very dense. There aren't very many calories either, so you'd have to eat quite a bit of romaine lettuce to get a sizeable amount of anything. There's nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but if your typical salad consists of romaine and iceberg lettuce with a smattering of tomatoes and onions, topped with cheese, croutons and dressing, you're going to be eating a "salad" with many times more calories from dressing, cheese and croutons than the vegetables themselves. For the most nutritious salad, avoid the cheese, avoid the croutons, ditch the dressing, and pile on the veggies. Put on spinach instead of lettuce for a more nutritionally dense salad.

Is iceberg lettuce bad or harmful to bunnies?

Well no it isn't. Bunnies like iceberg lettuce it isn't harmful nor bad they will enjoy itActually, iceberg lettuce is harmful for rabbits because it can lead to diarrhoea.All lettuce can lead to diarrhoea because it contains a chemical called Lactucarium; however, iceberg and other white or light-coloured lettuces have more of this chemical than dark-coloured lettuces (like fully-grown Romaine, Green leaf, Red leaf, etc). Also, iceberg has very little nutritional value for rabbits. For these two reasons, most experts advise avoiding iceberg entirely. Dark-coloured lettuces are healthy in moderation.There are many other foods your rabbit will enjoy that are safer to eat. If you want to give your bunny a treat, consider a bite of carrot or apple instead of iceberg lettuce.See the related question below for more information and helpful links about a healthy rabbit diet.

Do guinea pigs need diets?

yes, when they become fat there natural diet is lettuce and more greens. But do NOT feed them iceberg lettuce

How many cups in head of romaine lettuce?

12 - 24 cup depending on size. I usually fill a large bowl with 1 large head of shredded iceberg lettuce, the bowl holds 1 1/2 gallons. So about 24 cups, more or less, for a large head of iceberg lettuce. I've had at times purchased smaller heads of lettuce that took 2 to fill the bowl.

What is the meaning of lettuce?

Because it's a vegetable.It also depends on what type of lettuce you are eating. Iceberg lettuce has little nutrition whereas spinach or romaine have much more nutritional value. The rule is the greener the lettuce the more healthy.

How many calories are in a lettuce salad?

That depends on the type of lettuce. For the calories in various types of lettuce, by weight or portion, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

Where did roman lettuce originate?

A Romaine-like lettuce appeared in Egyptian tomb paintings that date back to 4500 B.C. Romaine eventually made its way to the Middle East and to the Mediterranean. Romaine was in common use on the Greek island of Kos, from which it gets its British name. In ancient Rome, Romaine lettuce was eaten both cooked and raw, and was a common part of the Roman diet. The Romans called it Cappadocian lettuce, and believed in its healthful and medicinal properties. According to Pliny, the emperor Augustus Caesar erected a statue to honor its healing abilities after being cured of a serious illness. Lettuce juice was used as a medicine by many ancient herbalists. The name Romaine dates from the time when the Popes moved from Rome to Avignon in the 14th century, bringing this type of lettuce with them and having it grown in the palace gardens. Light-green, dark-green, and red-spotted forms of Romaine were described in 1623. The type was common in Italy in the Middle Ages and is said to have been taken to France from Italy in 1537 by Rabelais. Toward the end of the 16th century it was still rarely grown in France and Germany. For much of the 20th century, Romaine wasn't known at all to many Americans. That's because of the overwhelming success of iceberg lettuce, which can withstand days if not weeks of shipping. As late as the mid-1970s, iceberg lettuce accounted for more than 95% of all of the lettuce grown in this country. Then along came the reborn Caesar salad. Invented in a Tijuana restaurant in the 1920s, for decades the Caesar salad was known as a California specialty. In the late 1970s the Ceasar salad was "discovered" by the fast food industry, and there followed a couple of decades of popularity. The top Romaine lettuce producing countries are China, United States, Spain, Italy and India. In the United States, California produces about 75% of the Romaine lettuce. The second top producing state is Arizona which accounts for another 19%.

What will happen if you fed your guinea pig iceberg lettuce?

Iceberg Lettuce is not Guinea Pig food and is not a healthy part of their diet. Guinea pigs may eat little pieces of iceberg lettuce as a treat, but will get no nutrition from it other than a little water. Guinea pigs that are given large amounts of iceberg lettuce will fill up on this food which has no nutrition, and it then prevents them from eating as much of their good foods. Eating a diet with lots of iceberg lettuce can cause them to be malnourished, get sick and die if only given iceberg lettuce (sad but true, this lettuce is inexpensive so people may be tempted to give it daily like food- causing their guinea pigs to die of starvation). Guinea pigs need lots of timothy hay and vitamin C rich pellets as the staple of their diet. Things like carrots, oranges, blueberries, green leafy vegetables are great snacks that give them lots of vitamins. Iceberg gives no vitamins, no calories, but makes them feel full- so iceberg lettuce should only be given as a treat in small amounts and try to give them green lettuces instead- the darker the lettuce (spinach) the more nutritional value. Guinea pigs are not allergic to iceberg and will not have an adverse reaction to iceberg- it is safe to give in very small amounts.