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Any browser except Safari and internet Explorer(but Firefox is recommended). BUT DON'T DELETE INTERNET EXPLORER IF YOU WANT TO! It messes up your computer.

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Q: Which internet browser is faster at loading?
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Which internet browser is faster safari or Firefox?

Firefox beta is fast loading browser compared to safari.

How do you make your game that is loading on miniclip go faster?

get faster internet

What internet explorer is best?

Internet Explorer 9 is best as it is the latest version and fast loading web browser.

How do you make your internet browse faster?

To make your Internet browser go faster, you can try turning off all the extentions and add-ons that are built into the browser. You can also decrease the quality of the images that show up to speed up load times. But the only way to make a browser faster is to get faster Internet.

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It depends on your internet connection. The better Internet package you have, the faster the loading.

What should you do if woozworld is not loading fast?

Clean your tempary internet files and cookies.Then restart your browser.

Is there a faster web browser than Internet Explorer 9?

Go get mozilla

Why is Google web fonts not displaying properly in your chrome browser?

It could be an issue of your internet connection. It could be because of font not loading due to bad internet.

What is a browser window?

A browser window is what is used to view the Internet. You used a browser window to ask this question. The most used browsers are :Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome. Many people prefer Google Chrome for its speed in loading up and loading websites or Firefox for its wide range of addons and security features (Such as Web Of Trust [WOT] and Noscript) and do not like Internet Explorers lack of basic security features. Hope this helps.

How do you get webkinz to load faster?

If you are stuck loading while logging in, press F5 and try again. Or, if you have the money, get faster internet or a better computer.

What happens when you visit websites where cookies are enabled?

When you visit a website, the browser maintains cookies. These cookies help in faster loading of the web pages.

What is a purpose of internet cache?

Internet browser cache is temporary information stored by browser. The cache helps in faster access of the web pages.