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Q: Which is a better guard dog a golden retriver or a German Shepard?
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What dog is most independent?

eather a german sherpherd or golden retriver

What 2 breeds are the walker dog?

A German Shepard and a Golden Retriever.

Who named the golden retriver?

The Owner.

What was Deborah Sampson's race?

Golden Retriver

What Animals does Miley Cyrus have?

Sofie (Maltipoo) , Roadie (Yorkshire Terrier), Loco (Shih Tzu), Tex (german sheperd) and Mate (golden retriver)

What are dogs with golden fur called?

There is a type of breed called the Golden Retriver. Which has golden fur.

What is the most common dog in the world?

Golden retriver

Is it bad if the golden retriver coat is a reddish color?


What is the most playful short dog?

Golden Retriver

Is a red golden retriver dominant or recessive?

In golden retrievers, red is recessive to yellow.

What is the lifespan of a golden retriver?

10-15 Years if healthy

Why does golden retriver hump but gets no erection?

it is a sign of dominance.