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Eating main meals is better. It helps keep your metabolism stable and you end up ultimately eating less calories and being healthier. A good thing to aim for is only one snack a day, usually during the long hours between lunch and dinner.

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Q: Which is better snacking or eating main meals?
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don't starve yourself. i am 13 and i want to be a size 8 and i am a size twelve. I think you should do some exercise and eat the three main meals of the day and no snacking in between. :):):):):):):):)

How can I eat healthier and stop snacking?

One of the best ways to avoid snacking is be sure you are not skipping any of your main meals, especially breakfast. Another tip is to keep a list of all the things you eat in a day. If you write everything down and are then holding yourself accountable for it, you can likely see things to cut out of your diet. It is also possible to change the snacks you indulge in. Eating graham crackers, low-sodium pretzels, or even chewing gum can replace snacks in healthier ways.

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Filipinos typically eat three main meals a day, which are breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Snacking between meals is also common.

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Native Ameracians eat two main meals a day.

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The Romans had one main meal just as we have. They had breakfast and lunch, but these were lighter meals or even snacks. Their dinner was their main meal just as our diners generally are our main meals.

Planning Nutritional Meals For Weight Loss?

The process of creating a healthier lifestyle begins with planning nutritional meals for weight loss. With the main goal of weight loss, meals should be low calorie with high nutritional value. When planning meals throughout the day, it is important to remember the food pyramid and to include all food groups within a diet. Successful individuals who have lost weight find that eating several small meals within a day is more effective than the traditional plan of three large meals. People need to train themselves to stop eating as soon as they feel satisfied rather than force themselves to finish a meal.

What is a good diet for a female footballer aged 15?

A good, balanced diet is the best way to go for teen athletes. The main difference between an athlete's diet and a "normal" person's diet is that athletes get the most benefit from their food by eating smaller meals more often. Rather than eating "three square meals", try 6 half-size meals throughout the day. This will help keep your metabolism high, and keep your body in nutrient-absorption-mode.

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