

Which is the more mystical section sunni or shi'ite?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Neither Orthodox Sunnis nor Orthodox Shiites are terribly mystical. The mystical form of Islam is best known as Sufism. Most Sufis are considered Sunni Muslims, but live and act in a way quite different than the Orthodox Sunnis.

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Q: Which is the more mystical section sunni or shi'ite?
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Answer 1each of them namely ,shiite and sunni , consider himself as right position. it means that shiite and sunnism know themselves as orthodox. but if we take orthodoxy as opinion which is the best and right insight among others.Answer 2Yes. Both the Sunni and Shiite positions taken by the Ulemaa or Scholars are considered to be Orthodox Islam. Non-Orthodox Islam includes more minor sects, such as Ibadiyya and Ahmadiyya, possible post-Islamic sects such as Alevis, Alawites, and Yarsanis, and, finally, Liberal Islamic interpretations (such as those of Tawfik Hamid and Irshad Manji).

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