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Most Asian languages like Japanese, Chinese and Korean can be written horizontally or vertically. The Mongolian language is often written vertically.

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Q: Which languages are written top to bottom instead of left to right?
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Is Arabic written top to bottom?

Yes, it is. Arabic is written from right to left for the same reason that English is written for left to right or Japanese from up to down. Those are different languages and they had there special styles.

Are Chinese books written backwards?

Not to the Chinese! Traditional Chinese books (and therefore, Japanese) are written to be read top to bottom right to left. Books in the English and the Romance languages are read left to right and top to bottom.

What languages are written vertically?

Languages written vertically, from right to leftChinese (all dialects, more commonly written vertically in Taiwan)Chữ-nômJapanese (can be written either vertically or horizontally)Korean (since the 1980s, horizontal is more common)KulitanMeroïtic (Hieroglyphic script)NushuTangut (Hsihsia)Languages written vertically, from left to rightOld ElamiteManchuMongolianOirat Clear ScriptPhags-paSogdianSutton SignWritingUyghurLanguages written vertically, from left to right, bottom to topBatak (Indonesia)Hanunoo (the Philippines)Tagbanwa (the Philippines)

Which languages are written from right to left?

Some languages that are written from right to left include Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian.

What languages are read from right to left?

AnswerBoth Arabic and Hebrew, and the non-Semitic languages using the Arabic or the Hebrew alphabet, such as Persian and Yiddish, are written from right to left (except for their numbers!). Urdu which is also derived from Arabic and Persian language and ancient indo - aryan language binti is written from right to left. Ancient Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek and the oldest Latin could be written in both directions. Also Chinese and Japanese can be written right to left (also written from top to bottom, vertically).Korean is NOT written from right to left

What languages are written from right to left?

The majority of languages that are written from right to left are those that are written with the Arabic alphabet, such as Arabic, Farsi, Iranian Azeri/Turkish, Pashto, and Urdu. Other languages written from right to left include: Hebrew, Neo-Aramaic, and Maldivian.

Was early text written from right to left?

Yes, some early texts were written from right to left, such as ancient Semitic languages like Hebrew and Aramaic. This is known as right-to-left script orientation.

In what direction did Sumerians write?

Originally Sumerian was written in columns from top to bottom, but this changed very early on, and the vast majority of Sumerian tablets were written horizontally from left to right, just like modern European languages.

Is Chinese written left to right or right to left?

Modern Chinese is usually written left to right. Ancient Chinese was written in columns, top to bottom, with the columns going right to left.

What do you read from right to left?

Languages that use the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets are written from right to left.

What language is written right to left?

Hebrew and Arabic are two common languages that are written from right to left.

Which language is written from top to bottom?

Chinese and some other Asian languages have traditionally been written in colums but in modern use it is usually left to right the same way as English. When Chinese is in columns, the first column on the page starts in the upper RIGHT corner and goes down, and successive columns go from right to left.