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the constitution

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Q: Which law in Australia has precedence?
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Does state law have precedence over law law?

No the constitution states that government law is superior to state law.

Is federal or state the highest law?

Federal law takes precedence over state law.

If there is direct conflict between a federal law and an Alaska state law?

The federal law takes precedence.

What did thomas Paine mean when he said the law is king?

He is saying that the law takes precedence, is the most important.

Which family medical leave act law takes precedence state or federal?

If in fact both laws are applicable the situation, the more stringent law generally applies. In other words, the law that provides the employee with better benefits will take precedence.

What takes precedent statute law or contract?

Statute law takes precedence over the others. Where it doesn't conflict with the written laws, contract law will be next. Common law is only relied on as a last resort.

What is the role of case law in the us justice system?

I think it creates precedence

What does the US Constitution takes precedence over?

The U.S. Constitution takes precedence over, in order of hierarchy, federal statutory law, a state constitution, state statutory law, a local ordinance, administrative rules and rulings, and common law. It is the "Law of the Land." It is worth knowing that the Constitution does not take precedence of the Articles of Confederation where the Treasury was created, therefor the Treasury (IRS) is not bound to the limits of the Constitution nor are its Treasury agents.

What happens when a state law conflicts with federal law?

If the state law is stricter/harsher/more limiting, state law takes precedence. If the the state law is more lax/unrestricted, federal law takes precedence.

Why common law is common?

Basing decisions on common law or legal precedence is faster than waiting for a legislative body to act.

When can Sharia not be applied?

A:Sharia can not be applied in countries that do not recognise sharia law. In dual-law nations, it can only be applied where the secular courts accept its precedence.

Does international law take precedence over domestic law?

In theory, international law can take precedence over domestic law in a country that has ratified an international treaty and incorporated it into its legal system. However, the actual hierarchy between international and domestic law varies depending on the country's legal system and constitution.