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DNA molecule

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Q: Which molecule is wound up to make a chromosome?
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How many DNAmolecules make up each original chromosome?

A chromosome is formed from a single DNA molecule.

What is the difference between a chromosome and a DNA molecule?

The difference between a chromosome and a DNA molecule is that a chromosome is a single DNA molecule associated with proteins and a DNA molecule is a long thin molecule that stores genetic information.

DNA need to change periodically from a long double-helix chromatin molecule into a tightly wound-up chromosome?

When the DNA is an open chromatin molecule, portions of it are actively being transcribed by mRNA. The cell will then be using those instructions to manufacture amino acid chains and proteins. When the DNA winds up into a condensed chromosome it is preparing for mitosis, which would be very difficult to occur if the DNA were all stretched out.

Two of these make a chromosome?

Two chromatids connected at the centromere make up one chromosome.

Describe the chromatids that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to divide.?

Describe the chromatic that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to split

Are chromosome more condense than chromatin?

Yes, you can think of chromosomes tightly wound up DNA and chromatin as unwound DNA.

What is a chromosome and what is it made up of?

Cell. More specifically, in the nucleus of the cell.

Describe the chromatids that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to divide?

Describe the chromatic that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to split

What are the compounds which make up a chromosome?

DNA molecules

What kind of cell make up your finger?

The chromosome is what makes up your finger.

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What parts make up a molecule of water what what parts make up?

hydrogen and oxygen in 2 : 1 ratio