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^This is very incorrect. If we couldn't digest proteins we'd die!

I assume the question is referring to fibre. This is found in almost all plants, generally within the cell-wall where it provides a strong support structure rigidity (analagous in many ways to the function of a skeleton in humans). It is a very tough molecule, which humans lack the enzymes/ability to digest. It is therefore passed through the digestive tract entirely and is passed, undigested, in the faeces. It is, in fact, a very important and healthy part of the diet despite not being broken down, as it maintains the regularity of our bowel movements.


Fibre actually isn't considered a nutrient.

The six nutrients of the body are:

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Protein, Minerals, Water and Vitamins

Vitamins and minerals are not broken down during digestion because they are already so small. This means that the majority of vitamins are absorbed in the villi in the small intestine and minerals are absorbed in the small and large intestines. Water is also not broken down but is regularly absorbed throughout the entire GI tract.

My information is coming from the textbook:

Nutrition: A Functional Approach

Second Canadian Edition

Janica Thompson

Melinda Manore

Judy Sheeshka

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6mo ago

Dietary fiber is a nutrient that does not get broken down during digestion. It passes through the body largely intact and provides benefits such as promoting regular bowel movements, supporting gut health, and helping to control blood sugar levels.

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