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Q: Which ocean did Gandhi steal the salt come from?
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How did Gandhi use the tactic of a boycott to further his objectives?

Get your own salt from the ocean

Who led a 240 mile walk to the ocean to protest the British tax on salt?

Indira gandhi

Gandhi lead a march to the Indian Ocean to produce what product?

Salt. It was a fight against taxation IIRC. Salt. It was a fight against taxation IIRC.

Where does the salt in ocean come from?

Most of the salt in the ocean comes from under sea vents but some does come from rocks being eroded Sodium Chloride has a very high residency time as well because it does not evaporate

What were Gandhi's protests to the Salt Acts?

gandhi march

Where does the salt come from in the Atlantic Ocean?

Salt comes from rocks. When water wears down rocks at the beach particles of sand are washed into the ocean.

What are the substances that making up salt in ocean?

the substances that makes up salt in ocean water is known as a compound. It can come from the rocks , it come from the type of bacteria. Some bacteria may come from the fish and waste within the water and you also have to take in to consideration that a lot of rock in the ocean have salt in them and leaks off in to the water.

Where most salt in ocean water come?

leh rocks :D The sea erodes the rocks in the ocean and over time, the rocks become salt

How are the salts naturally removed from ocean waters?

the salt is drained out by letting the water evaporate and they are left behind. When ocean water freezes, its just water. No salt. Ocean water can filter through the sand and marsh grasses and this can filter out the salt as well.

Who led the salt march?


How old was Gandhi in the salt march?

Gandhi was born in 1869. Look up the date of the Salt March and DO SOME MATH!

What march is lead by Gandhi?

The Great Salt March of 1930 was lead by Gandhi.