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12y ago

all of these are examples of institutions that link the government with the people


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11y ago

all of them

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Q: Which of the following is an example of an institution linking the government with the people?
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Is unusually a linking verb?

Linking verbs are words that link the subject to the predicate to form a complete sentence. A sentence example with a linking verb is the following: The apple pie looked tasty or the shoes feel comfortable. The term unusually is recognized as a linking verb if used in a sentence such as the following: the temperature in Boston is unusually hot during this time of year.

What is the verb in the following sentence the pencil was straight?

The verb is "is", a form of the verb "to be".In the example sentence, the verb "is" is a linking verb. A linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object is a form of the subject (This=pencil).

Is US Today a linkage institution?

Yes Us Today is linkage institution because it is the media and is a way of linking peoples concerns TO political issues possibly getting those issues on the policy agenda which makes it a linkage institution. Yes Us Today is linkage institution because it is the media and is a way of linking peoples concerns TO political issues possibly getting those issues on the policy agenda which makes it a linkage institution.

What is an example of a linking statement?

I prefer

Is it correct to say 'It was they who were to blame'?

Yes, the sentence is correct.The pronoun 'they' is a subjective personal pronoun. In the example sentence, the pronoun 'they' is functioning as a subject complement following a linking verb (It = they). A pronoun that follows a linking verb is always the subjective form.A linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object is a form of the subject (Mary is my sister. Mary=sister); or the subject becomes the object (Mary's feet got wet. feet->wet).A subject complement takes the place of a direct object following a linking verb and restates the subject of the sentence.The subject complements are:a predicate nominative is a noun or a pronoun following a linking verb;a predicate adjective is an adjective following a linking verb.

Are the sentence where were you are pronoun predicate nominative?

No, in the sentence, "Where were you?", the pronoun "you" is not a predicate nominative.A predicate nominative (also called a subject complement) is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verbthat restates or stands for the subject.The verb "were" in this sentence is not a linking verb. The pronoun "you" does not restate the word "where".An example of the pronoun "you" as a predicate nominative:"The winner is you." (winner = you).An example of the verb "were" as a linking verb:"Those birds were pigeons." (birds = pigeons)

What is the verb in the following sentence This one is a Muscovy?

The linking verb "is."

What does a linking word mean?

a linking word is a word that link 2 sentences together. For example "and" "because"

How do you use directing as a predicate nominative?

A predicate nominative is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject. Example: His job is directing. (job = directing)

What follows a linking verb and tells what the subject is like?

A noun, a pronoun, or an adjective that follows a linking verb is a subject complement.The subject complements are:A predicate nominative is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject.A predicate adjective is the adjective following a linking verb which modifies (describes) the subject of the sentence.

What is considered the linking mechanism between the people and their government?

The media.

What follows linking verbs and renames the subject of the sentence?

The predicate adjective (also called a subject complement)is the adjective following a linking verb which describes the subject of the sentence.