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Q: Which of these U.S. state names comes from a Native American word meaning Great Lake?
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The name Teana comes from a Native American word meaning dawn.

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What state comes from a Native American word meaning friends?


What state name comes from the native American word meaning friend or ally?

north dakota

The states name comes from a native word the means homeland?

The state that derives its name from a native word meaning homeland is Oklahoma. It comes from the Choctaw words "okla" meaning people and "humma" meaning red, together forming the word "oklahumma" meaning red people, referring to the Native American tribes that inhabited the region.

What part of North America can you find a native American tipi?

The Great Plains. Most widely associated with the Lakota culture which is where the word tipi comes from. Tipi is a Lakota word meaning "they live there".

What did native American Indians name their children?

"Papoose" is an American English loanword whose present meaning is "a Native American Indian child" (regardless of tribe). It comes from the Algonquian word papoos, meaning "child". Other Nativce American languages used very different words for child.

What Does totem mean in Latin?

The word totem has no meaning in Latin. The English word "totem" comes from an Algonquian (Native American) word meaning "his kin; his family mark".

What does gogisgi mean?

Gogisgi does not have a specific meaning. It could be a word in a Native American language, but without context or specifying which language it comes from, it is difficult to determine its exact meaning.

Is chipmunk English or American?

It comes from a (native) American word.

Is the name jaguar from a native American word meaning he who kills with one leap?

No. It comes from a Tupi-Guaraní word for "beast".

What is the etymology of the word tomahawk?

"Tomahawk" comes from the Powhatan word tamahaac. The root word "temah'" is Algonguan, meaning "to cut off by tool."