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Q: Which of these animals has or had the largest brain neanderthals humans chimp or a stegasaurus?
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Did Neanderthals give rise to European humans?

No. European humans (Cro-Magnon) lived at the same time as the Neanderthals.

What category of animal do neanderthals fall into?

Neanderthals are early humans, therefore they are mammals

Are Neanderthals humans?

There is some controversy on this; some scientist believe that Neanderthals were a sub-species of humans, and some believe that they were a separate species and not humans at all.

Which animal has the largest number in the earth?

As a family of animals: Insects. As one species of animals: Humans.

What were Neanderthals the first of humans to do?

Paint on cave walls.

One difference between early modern humans and neanderthals is that early modern humans?

had more sophisticated tools and art, as well as a more complex social structure than Neanderthals.

Did neanderthal live before cro magnon?

Yes, Neanderthals existed before Cro-Magnon humans. Neanderthals emerged around 400,000 years ago, while Cro-Magnon humans appeared around 40,000 years ago.

Did neanderthals have smaller brains than humans?

Their brain size was the same as modern humans.

How are neanderthals not like humans?

Neanderthals had a flat, sloping cranium, where as human have a round cranium. They had a larger and wider rib cage than humans as well as larger elbow joints.

Are neanderthals strong?

Yes, Neanderthals were believed to be physically strong and robust compared to modern humans. This was likely due to their adaptation to colder climates and demanding environments. Their strength was an asset for tasks such as hunting large animals and surviving in harsh conditions.

Did Neanderthals use stone tools?

Yes, Neanderthals were known to use stone tools, such as handaxes and flakes, for various activities like butchering animals, woodworking, and cutting plants. They are considered to have had a sophisticated tool-making ability similar to early humans.

What caused the scientists to name these prehistoric humans Neanderthals?

The first remains identified as neanderthals were discovered in the Neander Valley in German.