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Q: Which one of these starch fat protein and sugar will be a positive result for a bar?
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Is the major compound that makes up skin a sugar starch protein or nucleic acid?

a sugar starch protein

Does starch gives positive result for Benedict test?

Starch is made up of repeating glucose units. Though it is a non reducing sugar, its hydrolysis gives out pure glucose, which is known as dextrose. And glucose, as we know, is a reducing sugar and hence would give a positive result in Benedict's test.

Starch breaks up into simple units called?

Its called "sugar".

What compounds does hard candy contain e.g. starch sugar protein etc?

hard candy contains starch, sugar and fats.

Do nuts have starch in them?

Nuts are rich in fat and protein and contains some carbohydrate (sugar or starch.)

Is fish a carbohydrate?

Fish is mostly protein. Carbohydrates are sugar and starch.

Does Perfume Contain Sugar Starch Fat protein Or Cellulose?

I d

What would be the result of Benedict's solution on boiled amylase?

Because amylase, being an enzyme, is a protein, these molecules will not give a positive result in testing with Benedict's solution. This reagent is devised for testing sugar solutions (like sucrose), which MAY be formed at the amylolytic breakdown of starch (amylose, amylopectin). This breakdown can NOT occur when boiled enzym molecules are used (because of inactivation by denaturation of the protein structures).

How would you test an unknown solution for each of the following sugar fat starch protein?

Sugars - Benedict's solution Fats - Brown Paper Starch - Iodine Protein - Biuret Solution

Does starch have sugar?

no, starch is sugar fool

How do animales get carbon?

By consuming plants or animals that contain carbon whether it is a component in protein, cellulose, sugar or starch.

What are four types of food molecules digested by the intestines?

fats, carbs and proteins