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The stomach. the enzymes

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Ellen Funk

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1y ago
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10y ago

Your stomach contains acid and breaks down protein.

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Q: Which organ contains acids that breaks food Into smaller pieces?
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A general process which breaks down large molecules into smaller ones?

The process that breaks up molecules into smaller units is called catabolism. Large molecules, such as nucleic acids, are broken down into smaller molecules, such as amino acids.

What enzyme breaks down fats?

Enzyme that break down fatty acids are called lipases. Bile is a substance made in our liver which contains salts that breaks down fat into smaller droplets. The pancreas also contains a substance called pancreatic juice which contains numerous enzymes that work to break down things such as fat, protein and starch.

Is the process where in fat is broken into smaller pieces?

Smaller units are fat that come from larger units are called triglycerides. These fatty acids contain only one double bond and are comprised of three fatty acids.

What is the digestive juice that breaks down protein into amino acids?

The digestive juice that breaks down protein into amino acids is called pepsin. Pepsin is produced by the stomach and helps to break down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids, which can be absorbed by the body.

Proteins are made up of what smaller pieces?

Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids. These amino acids are linked together in a specific sequence to form a protein molecule.

What is protein decomposer?

A protein decomposer is when an organism breaks down proteins into smaller parts. This can be done by using enzymes or amino acids.

What does protease do?

Protease is an enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller peptides or amino acids. It plays a crucial role in digestion, as well as in various cellular processes that involve protein turnover and regulation.

What is the characteristic of the lipase enzymes?

Lipases perform a process called emulsification which breaks fat globules into smaller particles. This gives more surface area for the enzymes to then break the oils into fatty acids.

Why must your stomach have digestive juices?

Digestive juices are acids that dissolve food down into smaller pieces so it can be absorbed into the blood stream .

Does bile help break down proteins and amino acids?

Bile breaks down fats into smaller particles that can be more easily digested.

What contains amino acids?

Every living thing contains amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of DNA.

Which oil contains mostly polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Which oil contains mostly polyunsaturated fatty acids?