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The electron cloud that contains the electrons outside the nucleus takes up the most space of the atom.

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Q: Which part of an atom make up most of the size?
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What best describes the nucleus of an atom?

It’s the most massive part of the atom

What part of the atom is attributed most of the atom's size?

The nucleus. The nucleus contains both of the protons and neutrons of an atom, and make up more than 99% of the atoms matter and weight. If size is talking about measurements of width and space taken up, the outer ring of the atom, the electrons, span out away from the nucleus, orbiting it in an elliptical shape. The electrons of an atom are not physically attached to the atom, and can be arguably not part of the specific atom because the electrons can become intertwined with other atoms' electrons.

Is measuring the size of an atom by the size of its orbital not very accurate?

No. It is the only way to measure an atom because the orbital is the outer part of the atom and determines its size.

What part of the atom is attributed most of the atoms size?

The nucleus. The nucleus contains both of the protons and neutrons of an atom, and make up more than 99% of the atoms matter and weight. If size is talking about measurements of width and space taken up, the outer ring of the atom, the electrons, span out away from the nucleus, orbiting it in an elliptical shape. The electrons of an atom are not physically attached to the atom, and can be arguably not part of the specific atom because the electrons can become intertwined with other atoms' electrons.

What part of an atom determines its size?

the distance from its nuclei and the atomic radius

Which particle is most responsible for the size of an atom?

the electron

What part of an atom detrimes its size?

it depends wheather the atom is a eukaryotic or prokaryotic cell. Both have different sizes

What accounts for most of the size of an atom?

It depends it can be protons of neutrons depending on which atom but for many it is neutrons

Where is the most of an atom found?

The nucleus has most of the mass (weight) of an atom. The size of the atom, however, is related to its electron cloud (i.e. to the electrons that orbit around the nucleus)

What is the atomic size of an atom?

it depends on the atom! For Hydrogen the atomic size could be described as '1' as it is the first atom and has 1 proton, 1 neutron and 1 electron. Then helium would be 2 and so on. Though we tend to use the size of the carbon atom to make relevent sizes to every other atom.

What particles make up most of the mass of an atom.What makes up mot of te volume of an atom?

An electron weighs about 1/1836 of a proton, so as far as an atom is concerned, all the mass is in the nucleus, with the protons and neutrons. But the electrons are rotating in their orbits a long way (in proton size terms) from the nucleus. So most of the volume of an atom is empty space.

Where is the proton located in an atom?

In the nucleus of the atom, along with neutrons. The electrons are found around the nucleus. If the atom was the size of a Baseball stadium, the nucleus would be the size of a baseball! Most of the space in an atom is taken up by the electron cloud which surrounds the nucleus. That is why atoms are actually mostly empty space.