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Root of the hair containing protoplasm

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Q: Which part of the hair do get DNA evidence from?
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Why is hair used as evidence?

Hair can be used for a DNA profile.

Crime scene hair is what type of evidence?


Which part of a hair can be analyzed for DNA?

hair follicle

Why is hair considered class evidence?

We cannot identify a person specifically with hair alone. Even if their is mtDNA, it isn't good enough-DNA is class evidence anyway.

What types of clues can be obtained through hair analysis?

Hair containes DNA evidence and can also be tested for drug usage.

What are different types of forensic evidence?

Blood Semen Urine DNA Hair Fingerprints Bones Bitemarks

I need to know how to get dna evidence.?

DNA evidence can take on many forms, but commonly is either hair, skin, saliva, blood, or semen. Find a non-violent way to collect one of these in a decent amount, and there you go.

How do you get naturally curly hair?

It is part of your DNA and you got it from one or both parents.

Can you get DNA without your partner knowing?

DNA can be found on any part of the body. My best bet would be to get a piece of hair.

Can DNA evidence be washed away?

There are a few types of DNA. Some of them such as blood can be washed away. This is why its important that if someone is attacked they should go to the hospital before taking a shower. Some such as the DNA in your hair cannot be washed away.

What are the arguments for and against DNA evidence?

There are many arguments for and against DNA evidence. One argument is that it cannot be disproved as deciding evidence.

What two reasons are why hair is used for evidence?

Hairs can be used to detect DNA of the killer or to identify the victim. Hairs can also be tested for poison.