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Germany lost land to Poland and Czechoslovakia as well as the territories of Alsace and Lorraine to France, which the two nations had been fighting over for centuries.

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Q: Which parts of Germany was taken away after Versailles treaty?
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What did the Treaty of Versailles strip the country of Germany of?

All the land Germany had taken was given back.

Who got the land Germany lost in the treaty of versailles?

Poland and Czechoslovakia revceived the land taken from Germany after the war.

Why did Germany want to control other nations?

Because their Freedom was taken away in the WWI by the Treaty of Versailles

Measures taken against Germany by the Treaty of Versailles did not include?

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How did the map of European differ after the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed at the end of World War 1. The map of Europe differed due to the treaty, as land was taken from Germany.

In 1938 who was Germany's first target?

In 1938, Germany sought to reunite Austria with itself. This was one of the pieces of land that was taken away during the Treaty of Versailles.

What were the appeasements in the Treaty of Versailles?

I think you are a bit confused. "Appeasement" was not a part of the Versailles Treaty. This refers to the actions (or really lack of actions) taken by the Allied powers when Germany began violating the agreements that ended World War 1.

What were th five countries that gained independence from Russia by the treay of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles did not grant independence from Russia to any country. However, Germany had taken Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia from Russia, and had to return them according to the terms of the Treaty.

How did the Versailles treaty start World War 2?

The treaty of Versailles started WWII because it was unfair to Germany. It Forced them to pay reparations that they couldn't afford. Also Germany's "Eastern lands" were taken away thus making Poland. This gave Hitler to gain power By promising better times for Germany.

What was the effect of the treaty of versallies on the size of Germany empire?

The treaty of Versailles was the peace settlement between the allies and germany at the end of the first world war.The treaty radically altered the geography of Europe the treaty had clauses that resulted in areas of land being taken from Germany.Theywere held accountable for the cost of the war Germany would have to compensate the allies the money they had to pay 6,600 million monthly.

Why was germany angry about the versalles treaty?

Germany were very angry about the treaty because they had been forced to sign it, and so the War guilt clause 231, which meant Germany took responsibility for the war. This meant that they had to pay massive reparations of £6,600 million as compensation for the damage caused by the war. They also had land taken off them, their army limited to 100,000 mean, the Rhineland demilitarized for 15 years and the Saar taken off them and given to France for 15 years. This all humiliated Germany and made them hate the Treaty of Versailles.

What country was excluded in the Treaty of Versailles?

Answer this question… Germany