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Q: Which people were enslaved during the Atlantic slave trade?
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Related questions

How were the reasons for a persons enslavement different in West African cultures than in the Atlantic slave trade?

In West African cultures, people were enslaved through war or for punishment, while in the Atlantic slave trade, anyone could be captured and enslaved. -Apex

How were the reasons for a person's enslavement different in West African cultures than in the Atlantic slave trade?

In West African cultures, people were enslaved through war or for punishment, while in the Atlantic slave trade, anyone could be captured and enslaved. -Apex

How did enslaved people lived?

In slave people lived in many different ways the standard of living and lifestyle of enslaved people was dependent upon the slave owner. Many enslaved people had a very low standard of living while a few enslaved people lived quite well.

How did the enslaved people lived?

In slave people lived in many different ways the standard of living and lifestyle of enslaved people was dependent upon the slave owner. Many enslaved people had a very low standard of living while a few enslaved people lived quite well.

What is the buying and selling of enslaved people?

slave trade

What is the difference between an enslaved servant and a slave?

There is no difference a slave is an enslaved servant. plus, a servant is just a servant who is not enslaved.

What were the two ways Africa affected by the Atlantic slave trade?

The Atlantic slave trade, transatlantic slave trade, or Euro-American slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas. The slave trade regularly used the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage, and existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

What does enslaved mean?

Enslaved means:if someone was enslaved, then they would have been made into a slave or it is as if they were made into a slave

Who are enslaved people?

Who is nobody but an enslaved African is a slave who usually works for no pay. The slaves sometimes worked for hour on end without breaks, some were even abused and they would always get beaten.

What happened during the Stono Rebellion?

A group of enslaved people fought with slave owners near the Stono Riverin South Carolina in 1739. Hope this helps!:)

What trade did England control during the 1700s?

atlantic slave trade

How did the Atlantic Slave Trade differ from other slave systems?

The Atlantic Slave trade was by far the largest slave trade in quantity of people transported. It was also the one with the longest sea voyage.