

Which political party called tory

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Conservative Party

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Q: Which political party called tory
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Which political party's members are called Tories?

Members of the Conservative Party in Canada are called Tories.

What is a sentence with the word tory?

The Tory was a political party in Britain controlled by the aristocracy.

What political party starts with a LETTER T?

Tory (UK party)

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She's a Tory. Yuck. Seconded

Does a Tory have the same ideology as a Republican?

A Tory is a member of the British political party that identifies on the conservative end of the ideological spectrum. A Republican is similar in the American system.

Member of which political party is called tory?

In the England of today, a tory is a member of the Conservative party. The original Tory party is defunct. The Tories arose during the industrial revolution. The Tories represented the farmers and the Whigs stood for the workers in the industries. The Tories also sided with the king is some dispute. In America before and during the Revolutionary War, the Tories were the people who sided with England. They no longer exist. The Whigs opposed England. They no longer exist either.

What are some parties that begin with the letter T?

The Tory Party was a British political party that existed in England from the 17th century until the early 19th century.

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A political group is called a "party" or "political group"

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A private meeting of political party leaders was called a Tradition

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A statement about a political party and their position on issues is called a platform.