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James Garfield was assassinated by Charles Gulteau.

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Q: Which president was assassinated by disgruntled office-seeker charles gulteau?
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What president was assassinated by disgruntled office-seeker Charles Guiteau?

James A. Garfield

Who assassinated the president in 1881?

John Wilks Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president.

Who was assassinated after Lincoln?

The second President to be assassinated was James A. Garfield in July ,1881, by Charles Julius Guiteau.

Was Charles Garfield assassinated?

No, Charles Garfield was not assassinated. He is an American psychologist, author, and lecturer known for his work on peak performance and accomplishing goals.

What president was assassinated by a mentally disturbed office-seeker?

That describes Charles Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield.

Why did Garfield only have 1 year of president?

Garfield served as the President of the United States for only one year because he was assassinated in 1881. He was shot by Charles J. Guiteau and eventually died from infection caused by the bullet wounds.

What president was assassinated by a person who wanted patronage?

President James Garfield was assassinated by a rejected Federal office seeker

Who was assassinated in 1881?

President James Garfield was assassinated in 1881 by Charles J. Guiteau. Garfield was shot twice at a railway station in Washington D.C. and died from his wounds several months later.

What was the crime committed by Charles Guiteau that resulted in him being hung?

He assassinated President James A. Garfied and was sentenced to death by hanging.

What did Charles J Guiteau help spur after killing the president?

Charles Julius Guiteau was an American lawyer who assassinated U.S. President James A. Garfield. In the related links box below, I posted the wikipedia article.

What US President was assassinated after only four months in office?

James Garfield was the president that was assassinated only after four months in office. It happened on July 2, 1881.

Which US President is historically most closely associated with American writer and lawyer named Charles Julius Guiteau?

Guiteau is the man who assassinated President James A. Garfield.