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Q: Which projection takes slices of a globe and stretches them?
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What projection takes slices of a globe and stretches them into a rectangle?

jk lol

What projection takes slices of a globe and squeezes them into an oval?

the Robinson projection

When cheese is cut into a slices does a chemical formula takes place.?

I assume you mean chemical "change" and the answer is no, it is a physical change that takes place.

What does Fidel Castro eat for breakfast?

well, he usualy strarts with a egg. After this he takes 4 slices of bread with peanutbutter. Then he takes some muesli. He drinks milk.

Which continent appears much wider than it really is compared to the other continents on a mercator projection map?

Greenland appears much wider than it really is compared to other continents on a Mercator projection map. This distortion is due to the way the Mercator projection stretches out land masses near the poles.

What is a lobely?

A lobe is a projection or division, particularly one which takes a rounded form. It can also be used to refer to a division of the brain.

How long does it take to drive from globe to Tucson AZ?

it takes three hours or four

How long do I bake sliced potatoes?

How long you bake them depends on how deep they are stacked. In a bowl of six inch deep sliced potatoes, it takes an hour to cook them at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Thinner slices cook faster than thick slices.

What do meridians have to do with time?

time is related to meridians because takes 24 hrs to earth to rotate on is own axle if you divide the circumference of earth on 24 slices it will give you 24 meridians

Which mutations are not subject to natural selection?

There are on the chromosomes stretches of DNA that do nothing. Their only purpose is provide matching stretches so the chromosomes match-up during fertilization. In here mutations occur but have no 'large' effect on the phenotype of the life-form. (If enough of them occur then the chromosome become of a different length and certain mating pairs can no longer match-up, but that takes a while to get a difference in length that really matters.) Geneticists use these stretches and the changes in them to track evolutionary path-ways.

How many ounces of milk are in 2 slices of cheese?

Six ounces of milk make one ounce of cheese. If one slice is equal to one ounce, then it takes 12 ounces to make 2 slices of cheese. Check the label to see how many ounces are in a slice of cheese.

Which two lines of latitude does the Contiguous US fall between?

All of the contiguous US falls between 24.52° and 49.38° North Latitude.There is no official standard set of 'lines'. Some maps and globes show more lines,some have fewer of them, and some have none at all. You can draw a line at anylatitude on your map or globe. All it takes is a pencil.