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The Red River is notorious for its flooding.

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Q: Which river in the northern US floods almost every year due to ice jams and snow melt?
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What river floods the most in the us?

the hudson river, and every year, it floods Maine. :P

How often does Yangtze river flood?

The River Yangtze floods roughly every 2 years, but most of these floods are not major.

Is the Red River rising?

Yes. The Red River floods every spring.

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Does the river Yangtze flood?

Yeah, when the Chinese drop a huge piece of concrete in its way... Yeah, when the Chinese drop a huge piece of concrete in its way...

What happened in the year when the nile did not flood?

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Does the river Amazon flood?

The Amazon River does flood and it usually starts in November. The river floods every year and can swell up to 25 miles and tripling the land area it cover.

What will happen if a river floods?

When ca river floods it will create a big flood and stuff

Where is Huang hu river?

the HUANG HE river or the yellow river stretches nearly 3,000 miles across northern china. the river often floods and those leave behind layers of silt on the surrounding countryside. because these floods can be very destructive, the river is sometimes called China's Sorrow. over years millions of people have died in Huang He floods.

What river ways did the Brisbane floods affect?

The Brisbane floods of 1974 affected the Brisbane River and the Bremer River basin.

Where are floods most prevalent?

Floods can happen almost anywhere. Venice, Italy, floods more often then almost any city in the world. The Netherlands often get huge waves crashing over the shore due to storms too. Some of the worst floods in the U.S. have happened along the Mississippi River and rivers that flow into it. Floods happen a lot in South America and in Mexico, where ever the land is dry.

How many times does the Nile flood every year?

floods happen all the time it is consistently flooding around the world