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Q: Which river system helped the worlds earliest known civilization develop?
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The Indus Valley civilization was known for its?

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Sumerians use clay tables to create a form of writing called what?

Sumer was a civilization and historical region in southern Mesopotamia, modern Iraq. It is the earliest known civilization in the world and is known as the Cradle of Civilization. The cuneiform writing system is the answer to your question.

Why do we know more about the Aztec than the Olmec?

We know more about the Aztec civilization than the Olmec because the Aztec civilization existed later in history and left behind more written records and accounts by Spanish conquistadors. The Olmec civilization, on the other hand, is considered one of the earliest Mesoamerican cultures and did not develop a system of writing, making it more challenging to gather information about them.

What is the importance of economic system?

The importance of an economic system is that the economic system runs the civilization. This system forms the civilization and shows what people value. This helps decide what should be produced,how much something is worth, and keeps business at a supply and demand routine. Hope my answer helped :) Peace!