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There are literally hundreds of sacramentals - holy water, salt, candles, prayers and prayer books, etc. You would have to be a whole lot more specific in your question. I would believe that all sacramentals, if used properly and with the proper intention would bring children closer to God.

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Q: Which sacramental brings children closer to god?
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yes, i have experienced it myself.

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God cares that we are coming closer to him, so if our conversion brings us closer to God, then yes, he cares. Finding God is a journey, and the only way that we can really know where he wants us to be is by praying about it and asking him to guide us. He will... we just have to listen when he does.

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talking to god confession

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A sacrament is a religious ceremony or ritual. The Bible is not a sacrament.

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Yes, he always called God his God. this made him feel closer and in a closer relationship with God.

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Sacramental awareness is a special appreciation of the sacred in the world... i got tht from my religion book lol I believe that it is the ability to recognize the beauty and wonder of God's creation by simply looking around you.

How can you increase your faith to God?

Read the Bible! It brings you a lot closer to God and you'll gain faith as you read about his love. And pray about everything. God loves to hear about your day! Ask God for more faith. 'Cast all your cares on Him, because he cares for you' 1 Peter 5:7