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Harvard is the first Ivey league school established in 1636, then you have the following:

Yale University establshed in 1701 (formally named Collegiate School)

Princeton University established in 1746 (formally named the College of New Jersey)

Columbia University established in 1754 (formally named King's College)

University of Pennsylvania established in 1755 (formally named College of Philadelphia )

Brown University established 1764 (formally named College of Rhode Island)

Dartmouth University established 1768

Cornell University established in 1868

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Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Brown, Carnegie

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Q: Which schools were first in the ivy league?
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What is an Ivy League school?

The first recorded usage of the term "Ivy League" was by a sportswriter in 1933 and was a general reference to the older, and therefore "ivy covered," schools in the Northeast. The Ivy League athletic association was formally established in 1954 and now comprises eight schools: Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and the University of Pennsylvania. While most of these schools are certainly capable of providing a good education, it's what you do with your education that counts.

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There are no members of the Ivy League in Ohio. The eight schools that make up the Ivy League are Brown, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, and Columbia.

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Williams, Amherst, Swarthmore are all smaller then any of the Ivy League schools and are commonly referred to as baby Ivy due to their student size.They provide an excellent rigor, teacher to student ratio.

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The Ivy League schools are highly selective, with acceptance rates ranging from about nine to 20 percent. The phrase Ivy League historically has been perceived as connected, not only with academic excellence, but also with social elitism.

What colleges are good for lawyers?

They are called Law Schools, and as long as it is accredited, it will work. The best are the Ivy League schools.

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Very Important.

A sentence with the word affluent?

Most of the students at Ivy League schools are from wealthy, affluent families.

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Ivy League schools which provide consulting training programs are Harvard University and Yale University. Princeton University also provides these types of training, as does the University of Pennsylvannia.

What schooling do you need to become a CEO of a company?

The CEO is a Law Graduate and and MBA, both from Ivy League Schools.

What can you do to have a cheaper college education?

Grants. State college or community college. Avoid Ivy League schools at all costs.