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Q: Which scientist organized animals into groups according to how they moved?
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Which scientist organized animals into groups according to observable features?

Carolus linnaeus

What scientist organized animals into groups according to observable features?

Charles Darwin did. He studied finches and their apperence and noticed some of them looked different. He came to the therory that the finches evolved to fit there needs to survive in different habitats.

What are two specific formally organized groups?

There are innumerable formally organized groups but I will mention two of them as requested. These are: the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and the Catholic Church.

What is the placing of organisms that are into organized groups according to similar characteristics?


What is the name of the groups that scientist sort animals into that starts with a T?

It is called Taxonomy.

Why do scientist organized living things into groups?

so that it is easier to study the selected species

What classified animals into three groups air land and water?

a scientist who studies taxonomy is called?

How were Inca villages organized?

Inca villages were organized into small communities called "ayllus," which were based on kinship ties. Each ayllu was responsible for managing its own land and resources, and was led by a local chief known as a "curaca." The Inca Empire also had larger administrative units called "suyus," which were made up of several ayllus and were overseen by provincial governors.

What do you think is the importance of classifying animals into group?

The importance of classifying animals into groups is to have things well organized so that it will not be too complicated.If we do not classify them,we will get mixed up. :):)

What word that begins with the letter t is used to use when scientist put the animals in 7 groups?

The main subdivisions of animals are called "phylla", singular "phyllum".

What are the 2 main groups of living things?

The two main groups of living things are- a) Plants b) Animals

How are economic interest groups organized?

Economics interest groups are organized to represent small and large businesses. phagit