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Q: Which scientist was associated with a screw used for irrigation?
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What is a archemede screw?

Is an irrigation device used in ancient egypt

Why did Archimedes built the Archimedes screw?

When it was first invented, it was intended to draw water out of Greek ships. However, it was later used for irrigation.

How did the Archimedes screw help the Eygptians?

Archimedes' Screw was one of the earliest kinds of pump, used by the Egyptians to lift water for irrigation of crops.

Is the archimedes' screw an example of devices that applies hydrodynamics principle?

no, its an inexpensive hand operated water pump usually used for irrigation in third world countries. It elevates water from the main irrigation canal to the field irrigation ditches.

What preparations are associated with colonic irrigation?

Preparations. Most practitioners prefer that distilled or purified water is used for colonic irrigation, but others use sterilized tap water.

What is an Archimedes screw used for?

an irrigation pump. The Archimedean or Archimedes Screw is a large spiral screw revolving inside a hollow, tight fitting cylinder. It was traditionally hand operated or wind operated by a windmill, and used to raise water efficiently by transferring water from low lying bodies of water into irrigation ditches.

A Archimedes screw is a device for moving what?

mostly used for draining water from a low level to a higher level, as in irrigation. Can also be used to move granular materials

What was irrigation used for?

irrigation was used for watering crops and was occasionally used for drinking.

Who invented the Archimedes water screw?

You just stated it in your question, Archimedes invented the water screw.

What method have people used to turn parts of California desert region into rich farmland?

Irrigation is the prime method used.

Fresh water is used for irrigation in?

Fresh water is used for irrigation in Egypt.

What name is given to the type of irrigation used in ahero irrigation scheme?

canal irrigation