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the north side was more prepared , well they had more man,nurses,supplies.things that will help them win the war.

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Q: Which side do you was the best prepared for war?
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Which side do you believe was the best prepared for war?

The north

Which side do you believe was the best prepared for war and why?

which war please be more specific

Which side do you believe was best prepared for war?

Neither side was prepared for war - there were no big, trained armies. But the strategy suggested by the elderly Union General-in-Chief (The slow 'Anaconda Plan') was actually the most realistic proposal, and in the end the North carried out something very similar.

Which country was more prepared for World War 1?

America was more pereparing for the war 1 and the best !!

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No - as demonstrated at the war's first major battle, First Bull Run. Neither side was prepared, and it would be another seven months before any significant operations took place.

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Yes, he proved to be prepared to go to war.

Who was most prepared for the war the British or the Americans?

The north won the civil war because they were prepared

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The soldiers wernt prepared for the war because they didnt have Black Ops

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You would do your best and die. Or you can just learn really fast...

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tn what war were the minutemen prepared to fight

Was the US prepared to for war?

You did not say which war (we have had several) but I cannot recall that the US was EVER prepared for a war that we got in to- we have had to play catch up a lot.

Who was the general of the good side f the civil war?

There was no "good side" in the civil war. There are no good or bad people. People just do what they think is best.