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Four of them did - Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina

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Q: Which southern state left the union after the attack of fort Sumter?
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Which slave state remained in the union after the fort Sumter attack?

I think they are Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware and West Virginia.

Who won the attack of fort Sumter the union or theconnnfederate?

The Confederates.

Who won the attack at fort Sumter the union or the confederacy?

the Confederacy

Why did Virginia secede after the attack on Fort Sumter?

Virginia seceded from the Union after the Fort Sumter attack because they believed the attack violated the Constitution. They felt slavery was protected by the Constitution and the state. As a slave holding state, they believed an attack on state sovereignty by a federal force was an assault on the freedom of property and political representation.

Who was involved in the attack of Fort Sumter?

The Union and the Confederacy. Union commander Major Robin Anderson eventually surrendered.

In what year did confederate attack on union-held fort Sumter?

12 April 1861

How many state left the union before fort Sumter?


When and where were the first shots were fired in the Civil War?

Well Technically The Civil war started on April 12 1861, The Southern States launched an attack against a Union Fort. Fort Sumter. Even those this was a bloodless battle this is when the war first started. The Union surrender red after 36 hours of fighting. What happened was that the NOrth or Union moved troops to Fort Sumter, this was seen as an act of Hostality and the South retaliated by attacking Fort Sumter. Hope this helps.

Is South Carolina a union state? it wasn't a union state. It was the first to seceed from the union and at its cause, a battle at fort Sumter stated and began the American civil war at stances. But it is now a union state.

This event led southern states to seced from the union?

The event was Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina getting fired upon by the Union troops.

When did the union fight the confederates at Fort Sumter?

Southern forces commanded by Pierre Beauregard bombarded the US Fort Sumter from April 12 through April 14, 1861.

What did CSA stand for in the US Civil War?

The Southern US states that seceded from the Union, formed a government called the Confederate States of America. The CSA first consisted of seven Southern states at the time of the attack on Fort Sumter. Shortly afterwards, eleven states had seceded.