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Q: Which state did the confederacy find most success in battle during the civil war?
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What US Civil War battle saw 3500 Cherokee cavalrymen fight for the Confederacy?

The Battle of Little Bighorn saw 3,500 Cherokee cavalrymen fight for the Confederacy during the US Civil War.

Was Texas part of the confederacy during the civil war?

Yes, Texas was a member of the Confederacy.

What were the 5 major battles of the civil war what effect did they have towards the end of the civil war?

battle of manassas (bullrun) was the first major battle Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point in the war the battle of Vicksburg divided the south ( the north took controll over the Mississippi river) firing on fort Sumter (by the confederacy) marked the beginning of the war and the battle of lexiton and concord EDIT: First of all, Lexington and Concord was the American Revolution... But besides that, a few of the battles were The Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Antietam, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of Shiloh, Battle of Vicksburg, and Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Bull Run showed that both sides needed training and the Battle of Antietam did as well, although North won the second one because Robert E. Lee was forced to retreat. The Confederacy won the Battle of Fredericksburg and the Battle of Chancellorsville, but lost an important war leader during them. The Battle of Shiloh was one of the bloodiest wars of the Civil War and during it, the North blockaded the Confederacy's ports. During the Battle of Vicksburg, the North took the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy in half. The Battle of Gettysburg was the major turning part of the war where the North pretty much won the war after winning that battle.

What was he capital city of the confederacy during the civil war?

Richmond, Virginia.

Was the battle of bullrun the deadliest battle during the civil?

No, the deadliest battle of the Civil War was that of Gettysburg.

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What US Civil War battle saw 3500 Cherokee cavalrymen fight for the Confederacy?

The Battle of Little Bighorn saw 3,500 Cherokee cavalrymen fight for the Confederacy during the US Civil War.

Who won the battle of chancellorvill?

The Battle of Chancellorsville was a battle during the American Civil War that lasted from April 30 to May 6, 1863. The Confederacy won the battle.

What battle split the Confederacy in two in the Civil War?

Battle of Vicksburg

Were the Native Americans fighting during the Battle of Bull Run?

NO. The Battle of Bull Run was between the Union and Confederacy in the US Civil War. The Native Americans were not involved in that battle.

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What does the battle of fredericksburg have to do with the Civil War?

Well first of all it was fought between the Union and Confederacy which were the two sides of the Civil War, and it was fought during the time period of the Civil War.

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Who won the civil?

The confederacy won the war but ( lost) the battle.

The Battle of on September 19th and 20th 1863 was the last time the Confederacy would win an important victory in the Civil War?

The Battle of Chickamauga was the last important victory for the Confederacy in the Civil War.

The Battle of on September 19th and 20th 1863 was the last time the Confederacy would win an important victory in the Civil War.?

The Battle of Chickamauga was the last important victory for the Confederacy in the Civil War.

When did the battle of cold harbor start?

The Battle of Cold Harbor was fought between the Union and the Confederacy during the American Civil War. It lasted from May 31 to June 12, 1864.

What was the name for the South during the Civil War?

The Confederacy