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Q: Which state had the larger population in 1820- Georgia or Ohio?
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Trough attrition. The US has had a larger population than Mexico since the 1820's and as you may notice, if two countries have an even technological advance, the one that wins is usually the one with the larger population.

When did the state became state?

In 1820.

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William Wyatt Bibb was a governor of Alabama between 1819 to 1820 and a senator for the state of Georgia between 1813 and 1816. He also served as a state representative between 1807and 1813.

When was Maine a state?

It was a state on March 15 1820.

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The Missouri Compromise (1820)

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Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

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