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Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, spent some time in Indonesia with his mom and step-dad, moved back to the US and lived in Hawaii, and then lived in California, New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois; it was in Illinois that he began his political career.

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Q: Which states did Barack Obama live in before he became President?
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How did Barack get famous?

He became the president of the united states!

What was Barack Obama's job directly before he became US president?

Before being elected as President of the United States, Barack Obama was the junior Senator for the State of Illinois.

What was Barack Obama doing before he became presisent?

Before becoming President Barack Obama was a United States Senator. He was also a State Legislator before that. Before this he attended Harvard Law School.

Did Barack Barack Obama immigrate?

For him to be the President of the United States he would have to have been born in the USA. Before Hawaii was a State, it was an Annex of the United States, but he was born after Hawaii became a state.

Who was the president before barack obama became president?

The previous president was George W. Bush.

Barack Obama current occupation?

Barack Obama is the current president of the United States. Before he became president, he was a senator. Before that, he was both a state senator in Illinois, and a professor of law at the University of Chicago Law School.

What state does Barack Obama live before becoming the president?

Barack Obama lived in Illinois before becoming president. He first became a senator of Illinois before president of the US.

What job did Barack Obama have before he became the president of the United States?

barack obama was a military captin when george bush said that the harmless guy was a guy with lots of weapons.

Did Barack Obama ever run for president?

Yes. Barack Obama eventually won this campaign and became the 44th President of the United States.

Where did Barack Obama become president of the US?

Barack Obama became President of the United States. He was elected on November 2008 and was sworn in January 2009.

Did Senator Obama become vice president?

No, Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States.

Which American president wrote the book ''Dreams from my father''?

Barack Obama wrote the book ''Dreams from my Father.'' It was published in 1995 before he became president of the United States.