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1 Delaware, 2 Pennsylvania, 3 New Jersey, 4 New Hampshire, 5 Connecticut.

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first five states to ratify the articles of the confederation?

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Q: Which states were the first 5 to ratify the Constitution?
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Which branch of congress has the power to ratify an amendment to the constitution?

No branch of Congress ratifies an amendment. 2/3s of both houses (House and Senate) propose an amendment and send the proposed amendment out to the states for ratification. 3/4s of the states are needed to "ratify" an amendment. This is found in Article 5 of the Constitution.

Which article describes the amendment process?

Article V. Either Congress or the states (in constitutional convention) PROPOSE amendments, but only the states ratify. Once the states ratify, the Constitution IS changed - Congress has no role following ratification. The states never need Congress's permission to amend.

How many states need to aprove the amendment?

According to the U.S. Constitution 3/4 of the various states have to ratify a constitutional amendment proposed to them before it can become permanent part of the Constitution. For an amendment to Acts by Congress, 3/5 of the Senate and 1/2 of the House must agree. The Titles of Nobility amendment did not become the 13th amendment because it was 2 states short. It could still become part of the constitution but it would require the remainer of 38 states to ratify it if it would be enactected now.

How many states had to ratify the constitutional convention for it to become a law?


How long did it take the states to ratify the income tax amendment?

The Sixteenth Amendment (Amendment XVI) to the United States Constitution allows the Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on Census results.

What was the process for voting on resolutions in congress in the Articles of Confederation?

Unlike the later United States Constitution, the Articles of Confederation required that all (then 13) states ratify the agreement before it could be put into effect. The ratification of the Articles of Confederation dragged on for over three years, stalled because many states refused to ratify it until specific conditions were met.

What were the first 7 states and their capitals?

The first 13 states were judged to have become US states when they ratified the US Constitution between 1787 and 1790. However, all 13 of the colonies that ratified the Constitution were already signatories to the Articles of Confederation, and therefore already states at the time, and became subject to the Constitution once 9 states had ratified it. The first 7 states to ratify were: 1. Delaware - December 7, 1787 2. Pennsylvania - December 12, 1787 3. New Jersey - December 18, 1787 4. Georgia - January 2, 1788 5. Connecticut - January 9, 1788 6. Massachusetts - February 6, 1788 7. Maryland - April 28, 1788

Is popular sovereignty in article 5 or 7?

The United States Constitution is based on the concept of popular sovereignty, which means rule by the people. The first three words of the Constitution---”We, the people”---imply popular sovereignty. Article 7 of the Constitution requires that nine states (the people of those states via the ballot box and representatives) approve (ratify) the new Constitution before it goes into effect. Article 5 of the Constitution provides for ways to amend the Constitution. Amendments are made through elected representatives of the people, another form of popular sovereignty. Article 1 creates the legislative branch and requires that representatives to Congress are elected by the people that are being represented. Thus, the concept of popular sovereignty is implied in all three Articles.

What does the Amendment 21 say?

The Twenty-First Amendment to the United States Constitution repeals the "Prohibition Amendment," (the Eighteenth) banning the importation, sale, or consumption of alcohol in the United States. The final states to ratify the amendment were Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah, on December 5, 1933. The Carolinas both rejected the repealing of the amendment, South Carolina going so far as not to call a convention to debate the issue.

Is February 5 2009 the anniversary of the constitution?

Not the U.S. Constitution. February 5, 1917 is a date associated with the approval of the Political Constitution of the Mexican United States.

What article of the US Constitution describes the procedure for amending the Constitution?

The word ratify means "to pass, or approve".So, you're essentially asking which article of the constitution tells us how to approve the constitution and make it law.I think what you mean is "What article tells us how to amend the constitution." To amend the constitution means to somehow change it, which has only happened 27 times.Article #5 tells us how to amend the constitution.

What portion of the constitution states that is may be amended?

article 5