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There are a few basic stretching warm up exercises that can be done such as groin stretching,bridge stretches and shoulder stretches. These are only a few and for further instructions of how properly to do so you can find them online.

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"Yoga For Dummies" by Georg Feuerstein offers detailed information and illustrations on how to stretch to warm up before or at the beginning of yoga class.

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Q: Which stretches should be done before Yoga class?
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A good way to prepare for yoga classes is by doing stretches - try to do splits or at least to the extent you can, etc. Try some balancing exercises as well, such as standing on one foot.

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it depends what you stretching for. Like if your stretching before you run-it would be completley diffrent to stretches you'd do before you went trampolining ;D Hope this helps pet XX

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When is the right time to practice yoga?

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How do you cool down when you finish yoga?

Slow stretches, deep breathing and meditating on your yoga mat, listening to natural sounds and/or soft music.

What are the benefits of using a Manduka Yoga Mat?

There are many benefits that can come from using a Manduza yoga mat for yoga stretches and exercises. The biggest benefit is that it offers great padding for the knees.

Can I safely incorporate pregnancy yoga classes into my prenatal care?

Yes you can take a pregnancy yoga class without ever taking a class before. When joining a class, make sure that it's a beginners class since you have little experience. Make sure that the class has a reasonable price and that the instructor is helpful.