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Q: Which structure of the ear converts sound vibrations into nerve signals?
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What part of the ear changes vibrations into nerve signals?

The cochlea.

What part of the ear changes vibrations into electrical signals?

Organ of Corti

What is the function of the auditory nerve?

The AN transfers signals originating from vibrations of the ear drum ( tympanic membrane ) to the brain for interpretation.

What structure passes vibrations to the cochlea?

The idiot who posted Auditory Nerve is an idiot its, Stirrup!

In the human eye what does the retina do?

The retina in the human eye helps to produce an image and converts it into nerve signals.

What takes sound waves from the inner ear to the brain?

Sound travels in waves. Our ears pick up these waves and funnel them to the eardrum. The eardrum interprets them as vibrations. These vibrations pass through the eardrum, into the inner ear via the hammer, anvil, and stirrup bones. This causes fluid in the inner ear to bend tiny hairs which convert the vibrations into nerve impulses. The auditory nerve then sends the signals to the brain, which converts them again into the sound of what is heard.

What structure in the ear converts sound waves into nerve impulses?

In general, the cochlea. More specifically, an impulse is carried into the brain along the auditory nerve when the tectorial membrane and the basilar membrane inside the cochlea are pressed together by the force of sound waves.

What structure carries the sensations caused by sound to the brain?

The cocheal contains receptor cells that convert sound vibrations into impulses that are sent to the brain.

Alcohol inhibits transmission of nerve signals by?

changing the neuron membrane structure, which changes the shape of receptor proteins

What are tiny pulses of electricity that move along a nerve fiber?

Nerve signals Thats what my crossword was.

Which nerve conveys parasympathetic signals to the heart?

The Vegal Nerve conveys parasympathetic signals to the heart

What is the purpose of the structure of nerve cells?

Dendrites, Axoms, and Cell body: the main purpose is to convey signals from one part of the body to the other. It also serves to disperse or integrate signals.