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the answer is cellulose(':

- dont say thanks or owt-.-

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-nuff love to the girls; tara&perry&lauren+to the boys; luke&jordan(: and to my baby; adam.♥

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Q: Which substance made from glucose is used to make cell walls?
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What are cell walls made up of?

If you are referring to plant cell walls, then they are made up of primarily cellulose and carbohydrates. Even though carbohydrates do make up cell walls in plants, cellulose (a polymer of glucose {consists of many glucose molecules}) is the primary structural component of a plant cell wall.

The cell walls of plants are made of what substance?


What substance in found in fungi cell walls that is not found in plant cell walls?

Fungal cell walls are made of chitin the same substance that insect and crustacean exoskeleton are made of. Chitin is a polysaccharide a long chain of sugar molecules.

What are walls made up of?

If you are referring to plant cell walls, then they are made up of primarily cellulose and carbohydrates. Even though carbohydrates do make up cell walls in plants, cellulose (a polymer of glucose {consists of many glucose molecules}) is the primary structural component of a plant cell wall.

Whats is the substance of the cell walls of eubacteria made of?

The substance that of eubacterial cell walls is a polymeric substance formed from a polysaccharide backbone tied together by short polypeptides; this primary structuraal molecule of the bacterial cell walls is known as peptidoglycan. Peoptidoglycan varies in chemical structure among different bacterial species.

What is the most abundant organic compound found in the cell walls of plants?

Plant cell walls are mostly made up of cellulose which is a polymer of beta-glucose.

What kingdom comprises of organisms with cell walls that has the same substance as that of the outer bodies of insects?

The kingdom fungi has organisms with cell walls made of chitin (the substance that makes up insect exoskeletons).

What are the main respective constituents of cell walls in bacteria protists fungi and plants?

Plant cell walls are composed of cellulose, while fungal cells walls are composed of chitin. Both are long-chain starches comprised of many glucose subunits.

How do the cell walls of fungi differ from the cell walls of plants?

They differ because fungus cell walls are made of chitin whereas plant's cell walls are made of cellulose

Which carbohydrates makes up the structure of plant cell walls?

Cellulose is the carbohydrate that makes up the cell wall in plants. :)

What are plant cells walls mostly made of?

Plant cell walls are mostly made of chitin. Chitin is a derivative of glucose, and also makes up the exoskeletons of crustaceans and the internal shells of cephalopods.

What substance is made by plants?

Oxygen and glucose