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Q: Which two countries was the western front in between of?
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Which two countries were part of the theatre of operations known as the Western Front during World War 2?

The British and the Americans

What two countries form the far western border of the Mediterranean Sea?

Spain and Morocco, between which are the Straits of Gibraltar.

World war two in Europe campaign?

The western allies on the western front, and the Soviets on the Russian Front.

Which two countries dominate western Europe?

The two main countries in western Europe are Germany and France. It would not be totally accurate to say that they dominate western Europe. There are other large and important countries there too.

Why does the Western Front not run through Switzerland?

The Western Front was the name of the front line between the two waring sides in the First World War. Switzerland was neutral during the First World War, neither of the two waring sides were allowed to send troops into Switzerland. So there was no fighting and no front line in Switzerland.

What were the two battlefronts in Europe called?

Western Front and the Eastern Front.

What are the two dominant countries of western Europe?

France and Germany.

What two countries border western russia?

Lithuania and Poland

Which two countries are on western border of Bolivia?

Peru and Chile

What is the border between two different air masses?

a front

What are the prepositional phrase in this sentences The headlines announced a truce between the two countries?

The prepositional phrases in the sentence are "between the two countries" and "of the headlines."

What were the first two western countries that Germany invaded?

Austria and the Sudetenland