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Dissolving and precipitating the solute in solvent.

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2w ago

In a saturated sugar solution, the rate of sugar dissolving in water is equal to the rate of sugar crystallizing out of the solution. These two processes are at equilibrium, meaning the concentration of dissolved sugar remains constant as the dissolved sugar molecules are being dynamically exchanged with the crystallized sugar molecules.

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10y ago

dissolution and crystalization

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Q: Which two processes are at equilibrium in a saturated sugar solution?
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How can you describe the equilibrium in a saturated solution?

No. A saturated solution is still in equilibrium. If you bring it into contact with more of the solute, the concentration will remain the same. Solute will precipitate out at the same rate that more solute dissolves into the solution. An unstable equilibrium would be a supersaturated solution. In a supersaturated solution, more of the solute is in solution that would be equilibrium with the solid solute (or gas if you are dissolving gas for example). An example that many people are familiar with is dissolving a lot of sugar into hot water. As it cools down, the solution becomes supersaturated. As long as there is nothing for the sugar to nucleate on , the sugar can remain in solution indefinitely. If you hang a string in the solution, the sugar will start crystalizing on the string, forming "rock candy."

How do you dissolve more sugar cube in a glass of saturated sugar solution?

By heating the saturated sugar solution, and then adding more sugar.

Is sugar syrup is saturated solution or solution?

It can be. A saturated solution is one that is at the limit of how much of a solute it can hold. So whether a solution of sugar in water is saturated depends on the temperature and how much sugar is dissolved in a given amount of water.

What should be done to solve more sugar in a saturated solution of sugar water?

To solve more sugar in a saturated solution of sugar water, you can heat the solution to increase the solubility of sugar. Stirring the solution can also help to dissolve more sugar. Alternatively, you can increase the pressure on the solution, as pressure affects the solubility of solids in liquids.

How do you produce a saturated solution?

A saturated solution is one in which the no more solute can be dissolved in the solution and then becomes precipitate. Imagine a glass of water and some sugar. You dissolve the sugar in the water and add more sugar until not one grain more will dissolve--the solution is now "saturated" with sugar.

How could you demonstrate that a sugar solution is just saturated?

You can keep adding sugar, if it dissolves it is still unsaturated and if it piles up at the bottom of the glass it is saturated. you can also freeze the solution or cause it to precipitate

Explain how you would prepare a saturated solution of sugar in water?

To prepare a saturated solution of sugar in water, add sugar to water in a beaker while continuously stirring until no more sugar dissolves and some remains at the bottom. Continue adding sugar and stirring until no more dissolves, indicating saturation. Allow the solution to sit for some time to ensure all excess sugar settles at the bottom before use.

When a saturated solution of sugar and water is heated the solution becomes?


Is the mixture of sugar in water saturated or unsaturated?

Whether a sugar-water mixture is saturated or unsaturated depends on the amount of sugar that has been dissolved in the water. If no more sugar can be dissolved in the water at a given temperature, the solution is saturated; if more sugar can be dissolved, it is unsaturated.

What has the properties of both solution and suspension?

Super saturated sugar and water has a sugar- water solution and a suspension of sugar particles

How do you make a solution saturated?

To make a solution saturated, add solute to the solvent until no more solute can dissolve. This can be determined by observing if there is undissolved solute settling at the bottom of the container.

Why the more the volume of solvent thefaster sugar dissolves in water?

Increasing the volume of solvent (water) increases the number of solvent molecules available to interact with the sugar molecules, leading to more collisions and faster dissolution. This creates a higher saturation point, allowing more sugar to dissolve in the increased volume of water.