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Africa is a continent with many different countries and different governments. Most have a Republic form of government (for example: Egypt, South Africa). Lesotho and Morocco are kingdoms. Several are officially Republics but are, in-fact, dictatorships (for example: Uganda). Somalia is officially a Republic, but much of the country is still actually controlled by warlords. Libya officially has an elected government but is actually mostly under the control of warring tribes and Islamist terrorist groups aligned with ISIS.

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The type of government ancient Africa used to have was an empire which is a type of monarchy.

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Q: Which type of government existed in the early African kingdoms?
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How did the isamic religion spread to the early kingdoms of Africa?

Ok so first when they tried preaching their religion, the African leader shunned them. But then they got invaded by them. Which then their first leader was Mansa-Musa! 🙉 I'm smart! Jk