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Beta and Gamma

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Gamma decay

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Q: Which type of radioavtive decay does the mass number remain unchanged?
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What is thermal stability?

The decay rates of organic materials increase with temperature. Materials with a greater thermal stability will remain unchanged for a longer time.

Has Uranium changed over time?

The chemical and physical properties of uranium remain unchanged. But because uranium is a radioactive element the quantity of uranium on the earth is permanently changed due to radioactive decay.

When a nucleus undergoes radioactive decay its new mass number is?

It depends. If the decay contains a particle with mass, then the nucleus' mass number must decrease. If the decay involves the emission of a massless particle (like a gamma photon), then the mass number is unchanged. If the reaction (not technically a decay) involves the nucleus absorbing a particle with mass (like U-235 absorbing a neutron in a fission chain reaction) then it is a transmutation and not a natural decay. The mass number must increase.

What changes in atomic number and mass number occur in beta emission?

Electron (beta minus) decay: the atomic mass remain approx. constant, the atomic number will be greater with 1 Positron (beta plus) and electron capture decay: the atomic mass remain approx. constant, the atomic number decrease with 1 Double beta decay: the atomic mass remain approx. constant, the atomic number will be greater with 2

How much of one gram of radium-226 will remain unchanged after four half-lives?

After each half-life, half of the radium-226 will decay. Therefore, after four half-lives, 1/2^4 or 1/16th of the original gram of radium-226 will remain unchanged. This means that 1/16th of a gram, or 0.0625 grams, will still be unchanged after four half-lives.

Why does gamma decay result in no mass loss for the atom?

A gamma decay is simply emission of a photon. Technically, there must be a tiny mass loss of E/c2 . Decay is not reallya goodword because there is no loss of electrons, neutrons or protons so the nucleus is unchanged in its make-up. There is of course energy decay.

How is the atomic number of a nucleus change is it by alpha decay or beta decay or gamma decay?

Alpha decay decreases the atomic number by two. Beta- decay increases the atomic number by one. Beta+ decay decreases the atomic number by one. Gamma decay does not change the atomic number. However, gamma decay is often incidental to a precipitating alpha or beta event that upsets the energy equilibrium in the nucleus, so the two are not unrelated.

Is neutron number conserved in radioactive decay?

The number of neutrons is not conserved during decay.

Is a robins egg an organic remain?

Yes. It came from an organism and is capable of decay.

Does Gamma decay change the atomic number?

Gamma decay don't affect the atomic number.

When an atom emits a beta particle the number of nucleons?

In this case the atomic number is increased with one.

How is the atomic mass number of a nucleus changed by alpha decay or by beta decay or by gamma decay?

The mass does not change much. The Atomic number will increase though.