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Active transport.

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Molecular transports is a form of passive transport. All forms of molecular transport will therefore move substances from a low to high concentration whilst using the energy input of the cell.

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This is a type of transport called active transport because it uses pumps (energy driven) to move sodium against the gradient.

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Chris Bandera

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Active transport

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Q: Which type of transport requires energy to move sodium ions from a low concentration across the intestinal wall into a higher concentration?
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The transport of a substance across the cell membrane against its concentration gradient is called what?

The transport of a substance across the cell membrane against its concentration gradient is called active transport.

What is the movement of chemical substances usually across the cell membrane againts a concentration gradient requires cells to energy?

active transport

What movement of the substances through a cell membrane against a concentration gradient requires energy?

no because it is a form of passive transport. only active transport requires energy. facilitated diffusion just means that it cant be just absorbed through the membrane, it must go through specific chanels or be helped by transport proteins. but because facilitated diffusion moves from higher to lower concentrations, it requires no energy.

What is the type of transport in which a cell goes against the concentration gradient in order to diffuse substances within?

Active transport is used to move molecules and ions across a membrane against their concentration gradient. "Active" means that the transporter requires energy to do its job (eg. glucose).

Ions diffuse across membranes down their what?

Its an active transport and use sodium channel generally _____ Diffusion is itself a pathway of travel across a cell membrane. Diffusion can be "simple diffusion" which is simply an ion moving across the membrane anywhere, or "fascilitated diffusion", where an ion moves across the membrane in a specific channel. Either way, diffusion involves the movement of that ion along its concentration gradient and requires no energy. Active transport is not the same as diffusion. Active transport requires energy.

Related questions

Which type of transportation requires energy to move sodium ions from a low concentration across the intestinal wall into a higher concentration?

Active transport.

Which type of transport requires energy to move sodium ions from a low concentrations across the intestinal wall into a higher concentrations?

Active transport.

What is difference between active transport and passive transport?

One difference is energy consumption. Active transport requires the cell to expend energy, while passive transport does not. Active transport is movement from a lower concentration to a higher concentration and passive transport is movement from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. Active transport is the movement of molecules across a membrane requiring energy to be expended by the cell. Passive transport is diffusion across a membrane requiring only random motion of molecules with no energy expanded by the cell. Active transport requires ATP to transport materials. Passive transport does not require ATP input to transport materials. Ex: diffusion

What is the different between passive and active transport?

One difference is energy consumption. Active transport requires the cell to expend energy, while passive transport does not. Active transport is movement from a lower concentration to a higher concentration and passive transport is movement from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. Active transport is the movement of molecules across a membrane requiring energy to be expended by the cell. Passive transport is diffusion across a membrane requiring only random motion of molecules with no energy expanded by the cell. Active transport requires ATP to transport materials. Passive transport does not require ATP input to transport materials. Ex: diffusion

What is the differece between passive and active transport?

Passive transport does not require energy input from the cell, relying on concentration gradients to move substances across the cell membrane. Active transport, on the other hand, requires energy usually in the form of ATP to move substances against their concentration gradient.

Active transport requires what?

Energy-requiring process by which substances move across the plasma membrane against a concentration gradient.

What is the function of active transport in moving small molecules and ions across the membranes?

the movement of materials against a concentration difference is known as active transport. Active transport requires energy.

The transport of a substance across the cell membrane against its concentration gradient is called what?

The transport of a substance across the cell membrane against its concentration gradient is called active transport.

What is the function of active transport moving small molecules and ions across cell membrane?

the movement of materials against a concentration difference is known as active transport. Active transport requires energy.

What is the function of active transport in moving small molecules and ions across cell membranes?

Active transport is a process that moves molecules and ions against their concentration gradient, requiring energy in the form of ATP. This mechanism allows the cell to maintain internal concentrations of molecules that are different from their surroundings, facilitating processes like nutrient uptake and waste removal.

What is the movement of chemical substances usually across the cell membrane againts a concentration gradient requires cells to energy?

active transport

What movement of the substances through a cell membrane against a concentration gradient requires energy?

no because it is a form of passive transport. only active transport requires energy. facilitated diffusion just means that it cant be just absorbed through the membrane, it must go through specific chanels or be helped by transport proteins. but because facilitated diffusion moves from higher to lower concentrations, it requires no energy.