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Its an active transport and use sodium channel generally


Diffusion is itself a pathway of travel across a cell membrane. Diffusion can be "simple diffusion" which is simply an ion moving across the membrane anywhere, or "fascilitated diffusion", where an ion moves across the membrane in a specific channel. Either way, diffusion involves the movement of that ion along its concentration gradient and requires no energy.

Active transport is not the same as diffusion. Active transport requires energy.

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Ions diffuse across membranes down their concentration gradient

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Their electrochemical gradient.

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Q: Ions diffuse across membranes down their what?
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What Happens when electrons are passed down electron transport chain?

Hydrogen ions are pumped across the mitochondria's inner membrane producing a concentration gradient

What is a contransport?

Transport across membranes can be fueled not only by ATP, but by the energy stored in ion gradients. In such cases, the free energy released during the transport of ions down an electrochemical gradient is used to pump other ions or molecules up their electrochemical gradient. This process is called cotransport because one carrier protein mediates the transport of both species. Some cotransporters carry both solutes in the same direction (symport), while others transport one solute into the cell and the other out of the cell (antiport).

Movement of sodium ions from a region of lower concentration inside a cell toward a region of higher concentration outside the cell is accomplished by what?

Na+ ions are able to move against a concentration gradient across the cell membrane by a process called "active transport" which requires the expenditure of energy, such energy being provided by the utilization of ATP. Adenosine triphosphate is the most important "energy currency" of the cell.This active transport is carried out by carrier proteins, which are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer of the plasma membrane. Na+ ions are moved against their concentration gradient by carrier proteins called sodium pumps.The same thing happens with K- (Potassium) ions and that's why it's called the cell's Na+/K-pump.

When hydrogen ions are pumped from the mitochondrial matrix across the inner membrane and into the intermembrane space the result is?

Hydrogen ions are pumped through the membrane in the final stage of ATP generation in the electron transport chain. The ions pumped through the membrane create a gradient and cause the hydrogen to "want" to pass back through the membrane. They do so through the protein channels in the membrane and attaches a phosphate to adenosine diphosphate to make adenosine triphosphate.

Why is digestion of large food molecules esssential?

Because most of our food sources are composed of foods that have large molecules, it is the job of the digestive system to break down these large particles into molecules that are small enough to diffuse through our cell membranes.

Related questions

Where do ions diffuse across membrane to specific ion channels?

down their electrochemical gradients.

What are the types of membrane protein?

ATP-powered pumps are ATPase's that use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to move ions or small molecules across a membrane against a chemical concentration gradient or electric potential. Channel proteins transports water or specific types of ions down their concentration or electric potential gradients. Transporters move a wide variety of ions and molecules across cell membranes.

Why is it easier to move materials across membranes down a concentration gradient?

osmotic pressure

The movement of ions across cell membranes is an example?

Some ions are prevented from moving down their concentration gradients by ATP-driven pumps. Some ions move from high to low concentration gradients through membrane protein channels, and some ion gates in the membrane can open in response to electrical potential changes.

The fact that a cell has an electrical potential difference across its membrane makes that cell what?

The cell membrane is semi-permeable so that charged ions can not diffuse down or up a concentration cell into or out of the cell. There are cell bound proteins that transport charged ions like K+, Na+ and Ca2+ across the cell membrane and the net effect is that the cell is negatively charged ( about -70 mV) with respect to the extracellular space.

The energy from the electrons moving down the chain is used to move H ions across the?

Energy from the electrons move down the chain is used to move H plus ions across the inner membrane. H plus ions move through channels of ATP synthase in the inner membrane.

How is insulin released and regulated?

Insulin is released when blood glucose levels are too high. When there is a lot of glucose in the blood, it diffuses into the beta cells of the pancreas, and is used to produce ATP. This ATP causes the potassium channels in the cell membrane to close. Potassium ions cannot diffuse out of the cell, and so there is a smaller potential diffference across the cell's membrane, because they inside has become less negative (potassium ions have a positive charge). The change in potential difference causes calcium channels in the beta cell membrane to open, and calcium ions diffuse in down their concentration gradient. Inside the beta cells there are vesicles containing insulin. As calcium ions diffuse into the cell, they cause the vesicles to move towards the membrane, and fuse with it, releasing the insulin into the blood stream by exocytosis.

Does swallowing semen speed up you metabolism?

Yes- once semen has been swallowed it goes down the oesaphagos and into the stomach duct. Here it will be broken down by enzymes and acid in the walls of the stomach...This will release various chloride ions from the Semen...Chloride ions are involved in helping our metabolic rate speeden. These ions will enter cell membranes and help cell to increase metabolic rate. Yes- once semen has been swallowed it goes down the oesaphagos and into the stomach duct. Here it will be broken down by enzymes and acid in the walls of the stomach...This will release various chloride ions from the Semen...Chloride ions are involved in helping our metabolic rate speeden. These ions will enter cell membranes and help cell to increase metabolic rate.

What is facilited diffusion?

Facilitated Diffusion is the movement of molecules across cell membranes through protein channels and carrier proteins.Facilitated diffusion is a passive transport process, aka no energy required, where substances move down their concentration gradient (high concentration to low concentration) across a protein through a membrane protein because it is unable to diffuse directly through the phospholipid portion of the membrane itself.Diffusion of molecules assisted by protein channels that pierce a cell membrane

Why can carbon dioxide move easily through a membrane?

Carbon dioxide is a relatively small molecule, and can diffuse through semi-permeable membranes easily, providing that it moves down a higher concentration gradient.

How does insulin bring sugar down to normal levels after a meal?

insulin acts as a key to turn on the active transport of sugar across cell membranes.

What does it means for a molecule to diffuse down its concentration gradient?

When fluids are mixed together, they diffuse down their own concentration gradients and come to a dynamic equilibrium.