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Q: Which was used to declare Jim crow laws constitution in the 1800s?
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Why did the number of Jim Crow laws increase in the South in the last decade of the 1800s?

The Jim Crow laws were upheld in the Supreme Court

What was used to declare Jim crow laws constitutional in the 1880s?

The separate but equal doctrine

How was segregation enforced in the south?

. . . . . . . . . .They were called Jim Crow laws. The name's origin from a black character that was popular in entertainment acts during the mid-1800s, whose name was "Jim Crow".- S0L. . . . . . . . . .

What is the power of the courts to declare laws invalid if they violate the Constitution?

Judicial Review

Does Congress have the expressed power to declare laws unconstitutional?

Congress cannot declare laws unconstitutional. The Judiciary Branch may declare a law unconstitutional only if it conflicts with some provision of the State or Federal Constitution. The Supreme Court can rule a law to be unconstitutional, but Congress, along with the States, can only amend the Constitution.

What name was given to the segregation laws in the south?

Jim Crow laws

What is the process to have laws declared unconstitutional?

Judicial Review; It is the process of the supreme court to declare laws null and void if they pose conflict to the constitution.

Where did the Jim crow laws originated?

where did the jim crow laws originate

What is the judicial responsibilities?

the judicial branch has the sole power to declare if laws being passed follow the constitution.

What declare laws unconstitutional?

Who can declare laws unconstitutional

What is the judicial branch is responsibly?

the judicial branch has the sole power to declare if laws being passed follow the constitution.

What Are the given to Congress by the Constitution?

Article I of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress several explicit powers. Congress can make laws, declare war, and appropriate funds.