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all waves travel through water, some better than others, sound waves travel very well. Many time because water is denser than air the waves are subject to diffraction and reflection off thermal boundaries and around physical barriers.

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Electromagnetic waves can traveled through any medium or lack of medium.

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Q: Which waves travel through water
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How are water waves different from electromagnetic waves?

Water waves are mechanical waves that require a medium (water) to propagate, while electromagnetic waves are a form of energy that can travel through a vacuum. Water waves exhibit transverse motion, while electromagnetic waves have electric and magnetic fields oscillating perpendicular to each other and the direction of wave propagation. Additionally, water waves have lower frequencies and wavelengths compared to electromagnetic waves.

Do waves travel through water?

Yes, waves can travel through water. Waves can be caused by various factors such as wind, tides, and seismic events, and they propagate by transferring energy from one particle of the water to the next. This movement of energy causes the water to oscillate in a periodic manner, creating the effect of waves.

How are electromagnetic (or light) waves different from water and sound waves?

Light waves and electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space. Water waves can only travel through matter. Hope this helped!

How are electromagnetic or light waves different from water and sound waves?

Electromagnetic or light waves are transverse waves that do not require a medium (such as air or water) to propagate, whereas water and sound waves are mechanical waves that require a medium for propagation. Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum, whereas water and sound waves cannot. Additionally, electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, while the speed of water and sound waves depends on the medium through which they are traveling.

Which wave cannot travel through air or water?

Electromagnetic waves of very low frequencies (such as ELF and SLF waves) cannot travel through air or water as they are absorbed or reflected.

How does water as waves travel through it?


Did waves carries energy?

most kinds of waves need something to travel through. Water waves, for example, travel along the surface of the water. A wave can even travel along a rope. Gases (such as air), liquids (such as water), and solids (such as rope) , all act as mediums. Waves that require a medium through which travel are called mechanical waves.Some waves do not require a medium to travel through. Light can travel and carry energy through empty space. Waves that can travel without a medium are called electromagnetic waves. :)

What are waves that travel through matter called?

The type of waves that travel through matter are Electromagnetic waves.

What do different waves travel through?

Mechanical waves, such as sound waves, travel through a medium like air, water, or solids. Electromagnetic waves, like light and radio waves, can travel through a vacuum because they do not need a medium to propagate.

Can electomagnetic waves travel through a medium?

yes, they travel through water, air, even solid materials. electromagnetic waves can also travel through a vacuum.

What type of seismic waves cannot travel through water?

Secondary waves cannot travel through anything that is completely liquid

What are mediums that waves can travel through?

This depends a lot on the type of waves you're talking about. Sound waves, for example, can travel through water, solid, and air mediums, but not through a vacuum. Electromagnetic waves, however, can travel in a vacuum.