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Q: Which would increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in a pond?
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magnify glass
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What would happen to the amount of dissolved oxygen in the river if the river is polluted?

the amount of dissolved oxygen would decrease.

What would help increase the amount of oxygen?

plant more trees

Which action would be least likely to harm endangered species?

decreasing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the oceans

How do you get the same amount of oxygen to dissolve in plasma as carbon dioxide you would have to?

Increase partial pressure of oxygen

Where would you expect to find the largest amounts of dissolved oxygen in the ocean water?

The largest amounts of dissolved oxygen are typically found in surface waters where oxygen from the atmosphere can be easily absorbed. Additionally, regions with strong ocean currents and mixing, such as near the poles or in areas with upwelling, tend to have higher levels of dissolved oxygen due to better oxygen circulation.

What would be expected if the amount of interstitial fluid surrounding the capillary beds of the lungs were to increase significantly?

the amount of oxygen entering the circulation from the lungs would decrease.

From your graph of the temperature data what is the effect of temperature on the amount of oxygen that water at different temperatures can hold?

As temperature increases, the amount of dissolved oxygen that water can hold decreases. This is because warmer water has a reduced capacity to dissolve gases, like oxygen, compared to cooler water. Therefore, as water temperature rises, its ability to hold oxygen diminishes.

Which region would you expect to find the largest amounts of dissolved oxygen in the ocean water?

You would expect to find the largest amounts of dissolved oxygen in the surface layer of the ocean, particularly in regions with high levels of phytoplankton and strong wave action which help to oxygenate the surface waters.

Why does the amount of Magnesium Oxide not increase when the amount of magnesium is increased?

When magnesium reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide, the ratio of magnesium to oxygen is fixed according to the chemical equation (2Mg + O2 -> 2MgO). This means that the amount of magnesium oxide that can be formed is limited by the amount of oxygen available, not by the amount of magnesium present. So, increasing the amount of magnesium does not lead to a corresponding increase in magnesium oxide produced.

What change would increase the amount of gas able to be dissolved in a given amount of liquid water?

Reducing the temperature and increasing the pressure would increase the solubility of gas in liquid water. This change would allow more gas molecules to dissolve in the water by creating conditions that favor gas dissolution.

Can you mix oxygen with water to make acid?

No. You would just get water with some dissolved oxygen in it. This dissolved oxygen is essential for most aquatic life. Acids are a variety of substances that will increase the concentration of hydrogen ions when added to water.

Would you expect a fast moving mountain stream or the Mississippi River to have more dissolved oxygen?

I personally would expect the mountain stream to have more dissolved oxygen, because I know that oxygen dissolves better in cold water.