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Q: Which year vowels were inserted in the Qur'an?
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In which year did Allah send the angel Gabriel with the message of the Quran?

that might be written in quran but the year might not be mentioned that might be written in quran but the year might not be mentioned that might be written in quran but the year might not be mentioned that might be written in quran but the year might not be mentioned

How many months of the year have 2 vowels in them?

There are two such months. The months of the year with exactly two vowels are April and June.

Which vowels are in th s r s?

This question is not clearly expressed. Does it mean 'Which vowels could be inserted into the spaces in the string 'th s r s' to make a word?'? If so, the answer that immediately springs to mind is 'e au u'. That would make the word 'thesaurus'.

When was the last revelation of quran?

In year 632 AD.

Do long vowels have more vowels than short vowels?

long vowels and short vowels are both just vowels they can't have more or less of themselves

Which surah of the holy quran contains the word Allah in their first as well as their last Ayat?

Chapter 16 in Quran; Surah AlNahl النحل Sura 4 Al Nasi' contains the name of Allah twice in both the first and last ayats, although the vowels of some are changed for grammattical purposes.

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Was Quran first completed in 653?

The Quran completion date is year 632 AD and not year 653. Quran was completed only once by end of Quran revelation by God. God revelation of Quran, the Muslim holy book, through the Angel Gabriel to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) started in year 610 AD and continued until year 632 AD (year of prophet Muhammad death). So, the Quran completion date is year 632 AD. It was memorized by heart by many Muslims and recited almost daily during praying in time of the prophet and after till the current moment. this explains why Quran is the only holy book that is still read and recited with the same original (revelation) language without single letter change by millions and millions of Muslims since the seventh century.

How did Muhammad receive the revelation that became Islam?

God revelation of Quran to Prophet Muhammad was through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) and started in year 610 AD while Prophet Muhammad was in Mecca (Makkah). The Prophet was 40 years ago at start of Quran revelation. Islam is the religion based on Quran holy book. Quran revelation continued until year 632 AD (year of the prophet death).Refer to the related question below for more information on why was Quran revelation.

Was the name Jehovah actually an invented word because the Hebrew name of God is YHVH and the vowels were added because there was no known way to pronounce YHVH since Hebrew lacks vowels?

That is basically correct, but over-simplified. Hebrew, including the printed Bible, has vowels; but the handwritten parchment scrolls do not. The vowels of that particular word are no longer known; and E A and O (Hebrew vowels) were inserted by Jewish tradition in order to remind the reader to pronounce the word as if it were written "Adonai," since we never attempt to pronounce God's actual name. Early Christian monks learning Hebrew didn't understand this custom.

who is The holy book of Islam?

Islam Holy Book is Quran. Quran is not human written text.So, no human founder for the Islam Holy book Quran. Quran is God words revealed to prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril). Quran revelation by God started in year 610 AD and continued until prophet Muhammad death in year 632 AD. Refer to the related question below for more information.

The revelation of the Quran to Mohamed by the Angel Jibril?

Answer Prophet Mohamed (peace upon him) was born in Mecca (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) in year 570 AD. The first revelation of Quran by God to him was in year 610 by Angel Gabriel (Jibril). Quran revelation continued until death of prophet Mohamed in year 632. The revelation of quran over this long period (around 22 years) allowed Muslims to memorize Quran verses by heart besides writing them down). The Quran chapters and verses were recited and reviewed by prophet Mohamed together with Angel Gabriel once a year (except last year, it was twice). Millions of Muslims in the world are memorizing the Quran (as a whole or in part) and this explains the reason that Quran is the same version every where in the world and at any time with no even one letter difference.(Mohamed may be spelled Mohammed or Mohammad or Muhammad or Muhammed) l