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Q: Which year were Iraq Syria Lebanon the transjordan and palestine created?
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After the end of World War which territories in the Middle East were French mandates?

After World War, the League of Nations issued mandates for the governance of certain areas formerly ruled by Germany and the Ottoman Empire. In the middle east, the British received a mandate for Palestine, Transjordan (Jordan) and Mesopotamia (Iraq). The French received a mandate for Syria and Lebanon.

Where is Eastern Arabic spoken?

Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria

Who are neighbors to Syria?

Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Palestine.

What country in the Middle East touches the mediterranean?

Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine.

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Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey.

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Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq.

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Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria are the four modern countries that have territory from Ancient Palestine.

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Countries that border the Mediterranean that are wholly in Asia include: Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Palestine. Countries that border the Mediterranean and are intercontinental with parts in Asia include: Turkey and Egypt.

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Originally from iraq, Tarazi familly can be found in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine.

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